In Britain

In today’s Hindi news paper an article about mental health care in Britain was published. It said that in Britain there are very much shortage of psychiatrist doctor and specialist. More than 6 months of waiting list. So the mental patients are going to the Therapist. These Therapists are not registered also not qualified to check and treatment of mental ill person. Therapists are doing wrong treatment, there for problem are increasing.


Just like in Denmark you just get an extra little jagget pill if your mental problems worsen. WE need DOCTORS from India.

I disagree, its the among the best treatment in the world here in Britain. Our prime minister is British Asian as are a lot of NHS doctors and staff. They also recruit internationally I had a Romanian pdoc once.

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How many days/weeks does it take to get a pdoc appointment? We had some members saying they had to wait unduly long.

Shortage here too. Usually takes 1 month to book a non-critical appointment.

I know they’re having a high rate of male suicide in Britain.

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Their very busy so sometimes you have to wait a while patience is key.

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The band released this song in support of the CALM movement (Campaign Against Living Miserably). :sunglasses:

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I can confirm that the wait time has come down, but they have achieved that reduction in wait times by reducing the amount of people they let through the gates.

So instead of waiting 2 months for shitty help, now I waited 2 weeks for no help at all. I can’t say this benefited me personally.

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Make that Great Britain!

Totally believable, same problem exists here on thr rast cosst of the US.
I have had to wait since october for a medicaid pdoc

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In USA, psychiatry is the lowest paid specialty with a 4 year residency and there is a shortage. Many stable patients are treated by Nurse Practitioners with Masters in nursing.

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Yes, all right. My son is is a medical student and I know here in India medical students’s parents are bound for a bond of $ 30500 either to pay or to quit govt job for two years, in India. This is same for PG students of medical college. So 4 years govt service is necessary if you are a medical student if you want to go foreign or private jobs. My son don’t want to go foreign. But let see. He was left 5 months of internship after final year exam.

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