I'm off the benzos forever, and I won't be switching meds

I took benzos for most of ten years before entering an inpatient program that didn’t allow them, did they taper me off? Nope, just took them away. I of course went insane, felt like my skull was caving in on me. I take klonopin now but hate it as I get no identifiable effect from it but have severe withdrawal if I don’t take it for a few days. What’s the point?

Can you taper off?

Perhaps but then I’m not sure how much sense the guy I’m working with has. I tell him I have type 2 diabetes on both sides of my family when he mentions that the Zyprexa causes weight gain, and he says “well we can deal with that when it comes”…doofus.

Wow, I only took barbiturates for half a year and they cut me off cold turkey—that was hell and I cannot imagine what ten years would be like.

That was at age 17, in my 20’s I took Klonopin for about a month, two months, again they cut me off cold turkey. I used cannabis to ease that, but man 10 years, that had to be torture.

Is that a typo? I haven’t seen anyone prescribed barbiturates for ages.

nope it was butalbital or something like that. This was pre-2001

Oh, ok. I’ve taken butalbital too, in the migraine medicine Fioricet. Didn’t think of that. I was thinking along the lines of secobarbital (Seconal), and sodium-something. You know, the REAL heavy hitters. :stuck_out_tongue:

ohh the Marilyn Monroe pills, no not those!

Still, for 17, butalbital was too much

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I took Seconal for a month, legally prescribed, in 1999 or 2000. Never been hit that hard by a sedative before. It put 800 mg of Thorazine to shame. I slept, but man was that stuff like playing with fire.

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its a great news minniie,its cool that you ll have less meds :slight_smile: I am on klonopin only when I need it

I too am slowly tapering off Klonopin. Not easy, but I think it should be worth the effort. Been taking it for around 15 years. Nice to hear others have been successful at it!!