My pdoc knows and understands addiction - she is a certified addiction psychiatrist as well as a general psychiatrist.
She is not the one who originally got me hooked on Klonopin - my last psychiatrist was the one who told me to take it everyday - $&*@ her!!
My current psychiatrist understands addiction, she told me that if I ever wanted to get off of the Klonopin, she would help me wean off of it slowly - I am on a very small dose of 0.5mg daily.
I tried stopping it on my own and nearly went Nuts!
The withdrawals are horrible - I never lasted for more than half a day without it!
I think that I will ask her soon - I am through with taking this crap every single day!
I went through clonazepam w/d. My guess is you’ll have to be hospitalized for the first few days because of the interactions of the stuff with your other meds. The worst of it was over in a few days, but it was totally F####D going through it.
I don’t blame you. I don’t like the place, either. BUT… a benzo withdrawal is difficult enough without sz or other severe autonomic / neurological conditions in the mix. I hope you’ll just take that into consideration if you try this without going into a “safe place.”
Yes I will, I might not be ready to do this right now- I am not 100 percent stable lately and my pdoc wants to give me more APs for my OCD that is out of control.
Not ready quite yet - but eventually I will try to come off of it
I was on Klonopin for a long time. My pdoc took me off it when I told him I had given a couple of my Klonopin to this girl who was jonesing for heroin. That wasn’t very smart of me. I think I was on 4mg a day. The doctor weaned me off it slowly, and I was kind of tense for a while, but I got over that. I wish I could get back on it, but I know this doctor will never agree to put me back on it.
I saw my ex wife go through Klonopin withdrawal…at one final point she kind of starting groaning while flailing her arms around and then it was over…this was after about 4 days. good luck. I wish I could get on a benzo, my pdoc won’t prescribe it.
Klonopin is nothing to fool around with, but you know that wave. My mom just got in a car crash Monday while taking it. She took her pm dose @ 3am then her am dose @7am, then went driving. Plus she’s on some potent narc pain killers. She’s ok, no other vehicles in the crash. We’re waiting to see if she gets a ticket because it’s a dwi