I'm Not going to defend my feelings but I just wanted to announce

Hey you seem OK. But I understand we do like our space. I don’t know if I could ever live with anyone.

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Sorry to hear you don’t have any friends atm. Perhaps in the future you may do.

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Sweet! Imma bring the biscuits :star_struck: :sweat_smile:.



Thanks— it’s all good though :+1:.

Got a close circle of people in my life, as well as my pup— which definitely helps for sure.


Lol idk why but I’m always attracted to mentally ill women as well. I likes the crazy cause I can understand it :upside_down_face:


Yea there’s something special about us. As I said loads we share a burden and we are a strong folk emotionally.



Yes lol that’s why I celebrate us so much. The illness is real but the struggle produces a fruit so sweet! There’s great mental perseverance in us.


I heard someone say mentally ill people exhibited…

“A reconing of calculating”

I like that lol

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Well I can wish this for all of you but for myself I’d like to say… We shall see… Today is great and maybe tomorrow will be too.

I seem to be doing OK so far. Thank god.

Wen I say out loud everything is gonna be OK I get really uncomfortable I guess my confidence ain’t too strong. But my perseverance is so far.

And so is yours!!! :ok_hand:

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I’m sorry I don’t understand :cry:

No one is annoyed. Everyone is very accepting here :blush:

Im a turtle and people accept me. They accept da hippos too



I’m straight, i thought i was aromantic but that doesnt really fit me. I have been asked if i’m gay because i can’t seem to get a girlfriend.

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Do you live in the sewers with a rat, and eat pizza?

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Lol thanks you’re really smart. I think you should share your ideas more.

Fishing rn…have yet to catch anything but it’s good practise lol


Turtle? I thought you were an egg or a potato depending on mood :joy::pray::pray::pray:

Yes the hippos have a place in my heart. All 5 of em. :green_heart:

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Ah that’s nice. Hope you catch something. Let us know!

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Ah yes I an also and egg and a potato :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Oh i noticed our resident layer of eggs @Brucewillis has made an entrance today :star_struck::heart_eyes:


Yes I also love eggs and potatoes :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Lol didn’t catch anything today. Tomorrow I might go to a lake and try again.


That’s okay it’s all trial and error and absorbing the beauty of nature. :grin: