Hey you seem OK. But I understand we do like our space. I don’t know if I could ever live with anyone.
Sorry to hear you don’t have any friends atm. Perhaps in the future you may do.
Sweet! Imma bring the biscuits
Thanks— it’s all good though .
Got a close circle of people in my life, as well as my pup— which definitely helps for sure.
Lol idk why but I’m always attracted to mentally ill women as well. I likes the crazy cause I can understand it
Yea there’s something special about us. As I said loads we share a burden and we are a strong folk emotionally.
Yes lol that’s why I celebrate us so much. The illness is real but the struggle produces a fruit so sweet! There’s great mental perseverance in us.
I heard someone say mentally ill people exhibited…
“A reconing of calculating”
I like that lol
Well I can wish this for all of you but for myself I’d like to say… We shall see… Today is great and maybe tomorrow will be too.
I seem to be doing OK so far. Thank god.
Wen I say out loud everything is gonna be OK I get really uncomfortable I guess my confidence ain’t too strong. But my perseverance is so far.
And so is yours!!!
I’m sorry I don’t understand
No one is annoyed. Everyone is very accepting here
Im a turtle and people accept me. They accept da hippos too
I’m straight, i thought i was aromantic but that doesnt really fit me. I have been asked if i’m gay because i can’t seem to get a girlfriend.
Do you live in the sewers with a rat, and eat pizza?
Lol thanks you’re really smart. I think you should share your ideas more.
Fishing rn…have yet to catch anything but it’s good practise lol
Turtle? I thought you were an egg or a potato depending on mood
Yes the hippos have a place in my heart. All 5 of em.
Ah that’s nice. Hope you catch something. Let us know!
Ah yes I an also and egg and a potato
Oh i noticed our resident layer of eggs @Brucewillis has made an entrance today
Yes I also love eggs and potatoes
Lol didn’t catch anything today. Tomorrow I might go to a lake and try again.
That’s okay it’s all trial and error and absorbing the beauty of nature.