I’m starting to feel like my fiancée doesn’t really love me and she’s only after my money. What do I do? She’s sleeping right now and she won’t answer my calls now. I don’t know what to do. I haven’t taken my night time meds yet maybe that will help. There, I took my meds. It included 200 mg of Seroquel. Hopefully that will help. My fiancée is coming over tomorrow at noon after her therapy session. This is a really big problem and I don’t know how to deal with it. Especially since it could possibly be true.
What money???
I understand not trusting partners. I’ve been there. Did something trigger the paranoia?
LOL You are funny as all get out.
If something triggered it, I don’t know what it was. Maybe just the stress of being engaged.
I dunno. My wife and I have to save up just to be broke, but we still both love each other.
I’d put off any major life decisions (like marriage) until you’re feeling 100% well again. Your doctor should probably have a handle on where your mind is at. Run the whole thing by him/ her and see where it leads.
Good advice @PatrickT. We’ve already made romance suite reservations at a fancy hotel for this September. Maybe I should cancel it until further notice.
If you feel your partner is ‘the one’, then just follow your heart. I’m only advising not to make any major decisions if you are not feeling at the top of your game.
I wish you the best whatever decision you make.
She’s been “the one” for me for the past fourteen years. And the only one. It’s about time we tied the knot. But we are so unbalanced resource wise. Makes it tricky to know for sure if she really loves me for me or for my resources. She’s in a very bad way financially. Self imposed too.
She probably loves you… it’s just that your resources probably don’t hurt that love. Think about Melanie and Donald. She loves him but him having resources probably doesn’t hurt and only enhances her love.
Our “marriage” will be unofficial. So, I won’t be obligated to pay her debts. And she won’t have legal access to any of my resources should we split.
Thanks for your reassurance, @Tyme. You’re probably right that she loves me. Especially since she is agreeing to a nonlegal binding.
It could all be the result of all adrenaline associated with romance. You need something concrete before you can start believing you are being used for money. As others said, talking to your pdoc can help. It is most likely just heightened anxiety from all the love chemicals
If it’s been fourteen years, I’d say she’s not after your money at this point. Especially if she gets access to nothing because things will still be considered “unofficial.” It’s likely you’re just experiencing some paranoia due to the stresses involved with engagement and such.
Well, my girlfriend and I have decided to put off our marriage until next year. Sept of 2019. That will give us plenty of time to prepare, think it over, and in my girl’s case, save up for the honeymoon. That takes all the pressure off of me. For now, we are going to go camping for two days. My girlfriend is an expert in arranging for that kind of thing. I’ll let her set up the whole thing.
Good good good…!!
oh well i guess the marriage is off then lol,
whatever you do i’m sure you will be blessed,
i am hoping to meet the right person and hopefully get married and all the rest, it feels like a fairy tale happy ending, dream come true, hope it works out for you anyway
Keep calm and rest.
If she loves you, she will call you later!
When is the mariage?
sounds like love to me,
you just have cold feet.
I don’t think you need to see a doctor over this.
Hope everything works out.
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