I'm dumping a friend

It’s a long time coming.

I don’t like her personality. I am friends with her because my SO is her husband’s childhood friend.
I can no longer tolerate her insults.

She is not letting her 6 years old son play with a little black boy in school. And she’s not even ashamed to say it to others. She also said some very insulting things about homosexuals.

She also thinks she is better than those around her. There’s just so many things so awful and toxic, I decided to finally cut her out of my life.

We were going for daily walks in town, I stopped messaging her 2 weeks ago and just gonna play it cool until we meet only on certain occasions.


cut that nasty influence out of your life, right on :fist:


I’m feeling a rising up, it’s awesome.

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TP her house…



Some friends you can do without

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