Im desperate help

I so badly want the hands off that the police took now that I took out the stitches and cut the wound deeper. I also rubbed my faceas in the wound which is quite deep.

I’m hoping it will get infected and have to beat amputated. Then I can get my real hands back from the police.

I feel like I have no control over tryng to get rid of the hands like it’s a compulsion. I’m so tormented at the moment.

ring emergancy. It’s not normal to think like this. It’s not normal to do what you say you do.

Please. Ring emergancy and get some help…they will help you with those hands. Don’t try and do it by yourself!


I’m in hospital sectioned already.I have a nurse with me at all times apart from the bathroom and toiled. That’s where I’ve been doing these things.

The other day I escaped and tried to cut off the hands in the department store.

I’m so upset I hate these hands so mucheck :frowning:

It’s not doing you any good…it’s not your hands it’s a neurobiological brain disorder.

Listen to your doctor. It’s not your hands…you seem obsessive …that isn’t normal. That is a major worry!

Princess, those are your own hands you’re trying to cut off.

Have you completely lost your mind? Why would the police replace your hands? What need they have for your hands? It’s illogical. Think about it hard.


I know big secrets about the government and police. They’re trying to make me look crazy and discredit me and imprison me and kill me. And they know I’m going to be God at 25

You’re badly delusional. You need med’s. I hope they can find a med. that isn’t too harsh for you. They have med’s that are less harsh now.

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I’m on olanzipine injection at the moment. They forced me to have it. It wont hide the fact that their not my hands. I’ve known this for a year now

Stop injuring yourself. I want to be clear, I think this is delusional, but lets think about this for a minute. Suppose it was true, and evil police had your hands. Why would they give them back if you cut these other hands off? You just wouldn’t have any hands. You’re going to have to deal with the feeling that they aren’t yours without injuring yourself, at least til the meds help.

It seemed like you were a little better yesterday, I guess it didn’t last?


Even if these hands aren’t yours, what’s the problem? They works, you can write posts, you can do your things!
F*** the police, they will not stop you by changing your hands. Let 'em do their pointless surgeries and experiments, it is not necessary that you suffer for them.