Literally no one can convince me otherwise!!! I’m dead everyone is fake a projection of my mind. Except for the damn demons following me.
I think I’m invincible now!!!
Good honestly glad you can see the truth
Everything you just said is false. Thinking your invincible could potentially be dangerous.
At least I don’t have to kill myself now
You’re not dead and we aren’t projections of your mind. We’re real.
It’s ok really I’m at peace with it. In fact happy. Like a weight lifted off my shoulders now that I finally figured it all out.
But you didn’t figure it out. You are alive. Very much so. And so are we
PLEASE go back on your meds. You sound much worse now than you did while on them.
It’s fine. I promise. I’m ok.
For once I am perfectly fine!! Fantastic
Perfectly fine people do not believe they are dead.
And you don’t DO things when dead. I know for a fact beca7se I died on an operating table twice. Nothing.
I mean I’m in an afterlife replaying my life. I’m in a mission from god
I’m so filled with joy. For months I struggled to truly know i was dead, which made me anxious and depressed and wanted to take my life again to confirm if I was dead or not. Now I’m just able to accept it and I’m at peace finally!!!
Good as long as you’re not planning new experiments.
Demons have been trying to stop me from my mission.
I have read about a case of cotard:
a woman who stopped eating and died.
One time I didn’t eat much for two months straight because I lost my appetite and my vitals were super messed up at the er
May this delusion go away soon.
Some magical moments, of revelation,
I feel completely nihil, zero, nothing, dead.
And I feel blessed.
I don’t know. Thinking your dead can’t be healthy in the long run. You may feel better now but if you truly believe that you are dead and cannot be killed, that you are “invincible”, I still say that this is a potentially dangerous delusion.
Another example is like Om pointed out, if you are really dead, why do you need food etc.?
What stops you from ramming your car into a building…you can’t die right?
The lists of examples of why this could be dangerous are endless. That is if this is what you truly believe.
Like I said I’m on a mission from God. That mission has certain details like going about a normal day