Just saw my pdoc

She agreed to lower my Depakote dose down to 1000mg from 1500mg.

Hopefully I will feel less fatigued and less hungry.
I’m eating like a pig!

She also wants me to follow a low carb diet.
No bread, No rice, No pasta!

I’m glad she’s listening to me.

I’ll see how it goes.


Good luck with your new dose @Wave!


I hope you do well and feel better! :slight_smile:

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Way to go @Wave

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I just saw one too, went over my schizophrenia symptoms and dissociative identity disorder symptoms as best i could. Not sure what else i am going to have to do. Don’t feel sorry for me I’m sure they’re both genetic.

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Thanks @Jonnybegood @wayward and @TheBest!


Good to hear she’s listening to you @Wave, hope it will be a success for you!

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Thanks @Csummers!

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No pasta!!! The torture. :spaghetti:


Yeah I know, and no pizza!
Torture is right! :tired_face:


hey don’t cry…if there is a will there is a way. pizza made from none wheat, is and has been done just look it up on the net. thanks wave for seeing the Dr its hard to keep up with them all the time at are age.


Thanks @DrZen! 1515

Good luck wave :hugs::hugs::hugs:


Thank You @anon80629714! :slight_smile:

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Pizza with a baked cauliflower crust. I’ve heard from friends that it is Awesome! I’m super glad your pdoc is listening!

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Good luck with the changes. I’m not sure what their rationale for the low carb diet was. That’s a bit out of their jurisdiction(I mean they’re not a dietician).


Good luck @Wave

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I’m glad for the med change

but the diet change is unrealistic.

Everyone should eat a balanced diet.

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Glad your pdoc listened! Good luck with the new dose.

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Good wishes to you.:slightly_smiling_face:

The no bread and pasta sounds very difficult to me.
I have tried this diet and lasted only two weeks.
But I have not given up and hope to try again.
Can you still eat cheese?

Did you get any recipe or ideas of what to eat instead of bread?

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