If u can only take one supplement, what would it be?

I will choose magnesium. Actually iodine helps me a lot but i have been taking it for considerable time i think I’m less deficient on it.


I need two, a bcomplex and l-theanine. I need them both to help me tolerate abilify, but if I could only have one, it would be l-theanine.


Sarcosine. It works. If it is ever outlawed I will damn well find a dealer and keep my supply topped up.


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Kale, or leafy greens in general, of I can use that. If not, than coconut oil


EPA Fish oil …


I’d probably take just a b-complex

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I know I’m cheating a little here, but a good multivitamin.

This is the one I take: http://goo.gl/AgqKZ8

I really like it.

Beer but its not on my list of meds so its not used.

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Magnesium sulfate…calms the nerves

love pill :pill: in a bottle :heart:
take care :alien:

Adrafanil. If I could take it

Melatonin it’s calming