For quite a while some scientists thought it was conceivably real. Research, however, came to disprove it, or at least it failed to prove its existence.
As I see it, people who defend a priori the existence of telepathy face two main challenges: Firstly, to explain the physical basis for this “telepathic transmission” between 2 or more brains. Are we talking about waves? What kind of waves? If so, how come they haven’t been detected?
Secondly, what are the biological mechanisms underpinning this ability of the brain to tap into these “waves” or whatever it is that allows for this telepathic transmission to take place? Also, why only humans? For instance, A predator might benefit considerably from being able to read the mind of its prey. Is telepathy something unique to humans? How so? And if it isn’t, why haven’t we detected its presence in animals?
There is nothing logical against telepathy, the problems are on the practical side, our brain or consciousness doesn’t seem to be made for it nor there seems to be a scientific or physical explanation of how this could happen.
yeh this is what is making it hard for me to not believe it,
there is no proof against it.
once the world was believed to be flat until it was disproved,
maybe my beliefs are distorted
but it just feels so real it feels worse to ignore the delusion because it means i’m constantly fighting against it in my head if you see what I mean which is more exhausting
to be honest, I would rather stay on my low dose and have this delusion than be on a high dose with the chance that the delusion may go, (it might not even go.) from being around people with MI I have noticed that delusions are usually more resistant to meds than voices etc
[quote=“Raelyn_Fenn, post:9, topic:221433”]
there is no proof against it.
The consistent failure of scientists to find evidence for it is proof enough against it. And about the shape of the Earth, the best proofs against its flatness come in the form of proofs for its roundness. In both cases is about accepting the explanation that fits best the evidence. At a ‘rational’ level I wouldn’t worry about telepathy, if there was any evidence for it we’d probably have found it by now.
Well the experience of billions of people that they can think what they want without others reacting to their thoughts or that they are unable to hear other thoughts are powerful arguments and a reasonable certainty.
I think evolutionary it would be a disadvantage. Unless it can be very well controlled. Since there is such a storm of thoughts in one brain imagine what it’s like if they can all hear each other.
I’ve felt like I had esp, but when I’ve heard my daughter say things and asked her if she said/thought those things, she said; no. I did have a hallucination about her being in an abusive marriage and I told her; don’t stay with someone who’s abusive. She wanted to know where I got my information. I just said; no one. So, I don’t know. Because she was in a mentally abusive marriage and left.