I tried to cut again

Back to depression back to despair hubby can’t cope I can’t cope wanna sleep all day and never wake up never get up fuuck I don’t know anymore what to do I was fine for a few days now this shite again tried to cut my wrist and arm tired of shite can’t cope

Maybe you should talk to your pdoc and explain how severe your symptoms are getting @Hadeda.


Do you have a PRN?

I only see him sixteen march I am venting I feel in despair every time the shite comes back. The pain sting is distracting me nicely. It’s like a storm and shelter

Pls dont cut yourself. I used to do it too when my depression got really bad. But it doesnt provide much comfort or relief for long. Pls continue to debrief on here. We will try to provide the support you need. If things really spiral downward, try calling a help line or go to the hospital.


Please don’t hurt yourself @Hadeda. Call for help if you think you’re going to hurt yourself.

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I never had that problem, cutting. I think it’s an addiction?

I spoke to my husband about general problems he said come to him and I said about my paranoia yesterday and said sometimes I don’t say anything because I want to protect him but he says still tell him.its awkward but I did mention what if I hurt myself and he says I don’t have to show it but at least tell him. I’m wearing long sleeves t-shirt today don’t want him to see.
I did cut a little but it didn’t bleed my wrist sting slightly but I’m ok I just needed to feel pain and it helped
But I’m grateful for your support guys!

The longer you put off seeing a therapist, the worse it could get.

If u feellike that just go to sleep.sleep for days. Its better than doing that.

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