I think everyone hates me

The thing is I did ask for help and no one came I was scared for my life for over a year and not once could anyone make time for me. I still think about how if I had died from that condition I don’t think anyone would have noticed for a while.

All I needed was for someone to check on me but no one ever even tried.

It literally killed all the love I had in my heart for any of them

The instant I stopped being useful they stopped caring so why should I care

And yes everyone has their struggles but for an entire year not one of them can be bothered enough to pretend to care?!?!

But I’m sure I’m in the wrong cause if there’s one thing I know it’s that I’m always wrong

I mean and outside of that garbage I know others hate me literally just for existing the way I do and I’m just so tired

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Same here. I can start off liking someone but soon enough i just feel like they dont like me and then i isolate or blocked them off, only persistent people get access to me


When I had that experience, the conclusion I came to was different. My conclusion was “Wow, I must have really screwed up in my relationships if this is where I am now.” Part of that was prioritizing the wrong people. Part of that was scaring off that right people. I have come to learn that the kinds of people who are reliable in a crisis are the kind of people who are slow to trust. The kind of people who are immediately suspicious if you offer too much up front. The kind of people who feel “what is your favorite color” is a deeply personal question. The kind of people who deeply value consistency. The kind of people who will never talk to someone again if they are shouted at. The kind of people who know how far they can extend themselves without over-exerting, and expect others to know the same.

IDK your real life friends/relationships. I know how you treat people here. That’s only a brief snapshot of your life, but it is an insightful one. You treat people badly when you feel threatened. You feel threatened by any negative feedback. You openly ask for feedback, hoping it will be positive. This can only lead to one conclusion: Driving away honest people, and being surrounded by liars.


I feel this too … with some people… with people i have romantic interest in, some family, at school, when I was working… I don’t understand it.

There was a guy I met recently. We had a instant connection but I couldn’t help feeling like he wasn’t really interested so I ended it before he could. Which was probably stupid.

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Your so deep @Ninjastar all of it true
Good job for putting it so delicately

@Noise im sorry you’re going through this

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Depression is a ■■■■■■■■■■■■. My experience with it came from overtraining in sports it can drain your neurochemicals and cause depression. No matter how positive my affirmations were i suffered. It wasnt until i learned how much rest and time off i needed that my mind got better. Id imagine medication is necessary for people whos brains chemicals are messed up naturally.

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Other person: Do you know what time it is?

Me: Hey hey hey hey! Boundaries!!!



I mean you’re wrong about the liars part the one that tries hardest to lie is the one that was closed off and untrusting and the others I wouldn’t really call liars. Also fun fact I’m the least open one in the group so thanks for valuing me I guess.

As for my aggression I’ve had quite a few sour experiences on this site

Not to mention as you mentioned your and my relationship are strained at best so I tend to get extremely defensive with you cause honestly it’s a once bitten twice shy situation. Sidenote I’m not trying to be a dick here but I’m just trying to explain

But I digress I know I seek validation from others it is something I worked on in therapy it’s a really slow road especially when pretty much everyone you love and care about forgets you exist because you’re sick.

And I’ve been struggling with the whole “it must be something I did” " I must have been a terrible friend" “obviously they can’t deal with it” etc. But honestly maybe I’m just grieving I basically had to grieve myself so now that I’m probably not dying all those feelings have to go somewhere they aren’t just going to disappear.

things do hurt me deeply this is something I know to be true

I can change how I react but it’s still painful and yeah sometimes I over react but at the end of the day I can’t just flick a switch and change how I feel. And currently I feel hurt and honestly angry that none of my friends seemed to care enough to bother to check on me. Simple as that

I hate existing like this everything is my fault I really shouldn’t interact with anyone I’m so upset

I don’t even know how to be friends with anyone anymore everything is wrong with me I feel just so broken I hate it

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Nobody likes me everybody hates me I guess I’ll go eat worms

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You are not broken you are amazing

Don’t give a ■■■■ what anyone else thinks

You just be you!!!

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I talked to my therapist about this today and I feel like she completely missed the point.

Her solution was to just … get new friends… Which completely misses the point…

I just want to be able to fight my brain when it tells me that no one loves me

I just want my friends to check on me I feel so abandoned and I know it’s not all them I know my own mental conditions amplify these feelings

It’s not that my friends are dishonest or bad people or whatever some people are assuming or anything like that

I just don’t know how to handle feeling completely forgotten and left behind

All I can think with the advice of “go get new friends” is what’s even the point?? In the end they’ll all just leave

And I know that that’s not a healthy mindset but what’s the point of I’ll just get abandoned in my time of need

I hate it I just want to feel loved but it all feels so impermanent

It sounds like depressive delusion?
feeling the same. From the start of my ilness I’ve always felt like everyone is looking at me, talking behind my back (mostly wrong things), and simply hating me :))
Even though I know I am not that interesting to be such popular.

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I feel unworthy. Around a lot of people. Not everyone. But a lot of people. I know I’m not. But I just feel it. It’s a bit annoying.

Anyway, hope you find some true friends one day ie where you feel they won’t disappear one day

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can you tell us all the story ?
what they are talking about you ? what they are speaking about you ?exactly ?
why do you think they want to hurt you ?
if you want me to respond to you good specific response

I’m having similar thoughts

I just feel like maybe they all secretly hate me and that they’re all like talking bad about me or just think I’m a terrible person

And when my physical health got bad I started getting this thought that maybe they didn’t want me to survive

And idk I most of the time I’m able to try and like logically work through it but there are other times when these thoughts just consume everything

and it’s super stressful and it’s just this terrible mix of negative emotions and idk it’s really hard to deal with

I’m sorry you struggle with that I feel similarly

I almost feel like my friends are too good for me or something

I want to believe that they won’t just leave but idk it’s just really hard to believe that anyone like that exists rn

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I really think that I’m unlovable I don’t know what to do I don’t know how to be lovable I don’t know what’s wrong with me I hate myself so much