No motivation at all

So unmotivated and lazy!!! It sucks. There’s so much I need to do and I can’t make myself. I keep finding ways to avoid what I need to do.

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I feel you there. Do you take antidepressants? How is your diet?

Sending a :snail:hug your way. Snails like to hug. Even though they don’t have arms at all.


I don’t take antidepressants and my diet is crap. Lol. I need to change my ways!!

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You’re not lazy. It’s a combination of the disease and the meds. All I can manage is one productive thing a day. But all those productive things add up eventually. Maybe try that.


Me too im just lazy. I need to start packing tomorrow. Im gonna put music and hopefully do it.

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NopeyMcNoperson, you are not alone, I am postponing everything I have to do day after day. My idea is to implement a routine slowly, I did not manage it yet. I feel some addiction to the internet and it has to do with being emotionally and also socially unsatisfied. This way I feel like to talk and to write a lot last days, I do not what is it and if we can consider procrastination. I expect your motivation came back very soon.


Same! I feel lately like I’m insatiable. I am seriously lacking some internal satisfaction.


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