I’m not trying to “explore” or debate religion, but it would help me in my process of accepting my SZ diagnosis to know whether my unusual beliefs are actually delusional. The belief in question was commonplace in ancient spirituality, so its “bizarreness” is very much context dependant. I’m not seeking to have my beliefs validated or even refuted, only to know if they are the product of psychosis or the legitimate brainchild of my spiritual wanderings. Thank you.
Sounds common delusional thinking. I’m not an expert like many psychiatrists are but you tell them these things you’ll most likely get the same answer.
It’s delusional and I’m not an expert. Don’t get me wrong but realize there’s always an issue with your thought and thinking when you approach a psychiatrist.
A good psychiatrist will know that what your saying is delusional. It’s not hard to spot. It’s like people who are on alcohol or drugs. You just know and their responses are pretty obvious.
Your on a schizophrenic website and your trying to justify your delusions…Isn’t that very schizophrenic?
Yes, i think it is delusional and untrue. I find it really hard too convince you of this though, because it has a lot to do with faith.
I too worry about bad things happening in the world and i dont think that is strange or something to deny. But if you look f.e. at beautiful aspects of nature and how it was originally created, or love and kindness between people or animals, or feelings of loving connection people feel with God and how this inspires them, i think what you believe is impossible. Sorry, im really not good at finding the right words.
Besides the true/untrue question though, which is a religious discussion, i think your obsessiveness about it isnt healthy for you, and it is a frightening and destructive way of thinking that isnt beneficial to anyone.
If there was a designer then it would have to be cruel to create a system that is based on predation.
I think we are all deluding ourselves to not see this truth.
When people on this site often say they are going to hell, it gives me a wry smile. Open your eyes and see the world for what it is and you will find that hell is all around you. From the nature of survival it means that other creatures must die, to being laden with schizophrenia in the first place.
Take a look at Yemen or other war zones, to a capitalistic system of such inequality based on exploitation.
What about Schopenhauer who made it clear that the notion of joy and happiness is far outweighed by the nature of suffering?
Even if this universe is created by an evil creator what difference does it make to your life? It is what it is and no amount of rumination will ever change it.
It’s possible that humans will become better stewards of the food chain… if you look to the future and technology.
But I’ll hand you that as an alcoholic and gambler(I feel terrible about it) but as such, I’ve often thought that we are not the top that their are invisible creatures with ‘straws’in us; feasting on emotion and volatility of the ups and downs.
It all says a lot about ME, though. Away from me is that we know balance is important and works. Switching gears. Multi tasking. Things in moderation. Maybe ‘the lord’ Is balanced.
(Maybe who’s ever in charge is ‘tough but fair’. That’s what my first boss was described as to me by my Aunt who got me the job.). I never forget that.
Yes, synthetic and lab grown meat will soon be available. Pesticides on the crops though kill trillions of insects still if we continue to eat it.
Have you seen ‘what we do in the shadows’ where there is a vampire who hilariously feeds on negative emotions rather than blood.
Even if humans become guardians of the food chain, all the animals that reside in this universe still live in constant fear of predation, and or hunger.
Without elaborating on my spiritual beliefs, I am not saying that we don’t deserve to live in this ‘hell’ through actions in previous lives, but still the whole system is morally bankrupt when you can’t escape it and it remains in predation and exploitation. Even vegans don’t know they are killing trillions of insects and millions of animals even though they are not directly eating them.
Partly philosophical (Descartes, Malebranche, solipsism etc.), partly drawn from gnosticism, partly other private beliefs.
That’s what I’m trying to find out. Your response about duality (“without bad no good”) has been the dominant explanation of the existence of evil in a universe purportedly created by an all-loving, all-powerful god, but it is very problematic so unsurprisingly there have been even within christianity challenges to this view. But let’s not go down the path of religious discussion.
It’s precisely the obsessiveness of it that makes me think sometimes that it has more to do with OCD and radical doubt than with delusional fixed beliefs. Let’s see what the doctor says.
In gnosticism the real god is good, but he didn’t create the universe.
I love this, but I’m not sure I’m entitled to!
We are too weak to withstand too much ‘tough love’.
Thank you everyone, even if the replies paint an inconclusive picture.
I firmly believe OCD has psychotic components to it. I was diagnosed with OCD at age 5 and I had some strong obsessions with pretty wacky beliefs. Granted, I was also diagnosed with psychosis at age 24, so who knows when I switched over. But the cause doesn’t matter as much as the treatment.
Your belief isn’t what makes you delusional. Starlet also believes God is evil. But he can still go to school, do his chores, and make friends. His belief doesn’t affect his ability to be happy with his life. It is just a thing he thinks is true.
The thing that makes you delusional is the way you let your belief consume every area of your life. It impacts your ability to be happy. That is what needs to be treated. Not the belief, but the way it defines every action you make.