I feel stupid for some of my posts. I just get the idea I’m cured I took my meds I just have major doubts sometimes.
I’ve talked to my sister a few times and she said “I have mania I’ve seen it in you before.
” my self esteem has always been bad I’m sorry I’m a lousy person
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I feel like all I’ve done is cause problems take peoples time from people who DESERVE help
And medication im not doing good recently since yesterday
I’m not gonna ask for people to be patient with me .
I’m just going through a lot my mom has ■■■■■■■ cancer and she’s getting help for it. I’ve said a lot of stupid stuff recently
You need to start using periods when you write on here. You also have a bad habit of posting a million comments in a row before someone even responds.
February 24, 2024, 5:37pm
Like @TheCanuk said, it’s hard reading your posts because there is no punctuation. I’m not a “grammar police” kinda guy, just take your time and re-read your post before you send. You’ll be good, man
Thanks I’ll take any feedback. It’s just I feel like I need the counseling and I’ll maybe be able to talk through this with coping strategies.
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February 24, 2024, 5:41pm
Nothing wrong with some counseling. I’ve done it before, it’s a positive thing. Remember that your mental health comes first – do what ya gotta do
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Thanks Tulane I just wanna be normal. I’ve been on a waiting list for awhile. I will be ok
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February 24, 2024, 5:45pm
No problem, buddy. Hang in there
February 24, 2024, 5:52pm
Moved to DX’d - Other as this is not an unusual belief. Please try to limit posts in that category to stuff that could be triggering to others - it is not a catchall category. Thanks.
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March 3, 2024, 5:55am
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