So Frustrating Sorry All

I want to apologize for my rudeness a majority of the time. I really wish I could be on a different med regimen but can’t cuz of long qts. I don’t mean to be volatile…I just have impulses and don’t think through them. I want to die a majority of the time and I should not take it out on you guys. @TheBest I really want to apologize to you because I treated you like ■■■■…no wonder people don’t want me around. I’m an insensitive bitch. At least I have therapy today. Plz nobody take what I say personLly though I go beastmode…I’m trying to reign in my impulses, but I can’t help myself at times. I know that it isn’t a good excuse or change the way people feel about me. However, I feel shame and regret but I can’t help the past. I’m going to work harder fighting the way I feel. None of you deserve my attitude


I feel this way about myself too,

but everyone always welcomes me back.
I’ve read your comments on here,

and I think you are a good person.


Thank you. I feel such shame and regret…I know I need meds, but geez…I have to babysit my mind 24x7.


don’t feel that way.

yes, hope you get the right cocktail.

When’s your appointment>


I don’t think you did anything wrong. Don’t have a problem with anything you did.


I’m not a long time user, but I didn’t see anything bad from you…! It’s gonna be alright, in my opinion!


I’m coming off of Xanax atm. Other meds can’t be adjusted atm. Ty, though


I value your friendship @anon98519533

U a cool person


Oh, thank you. I appreciate that :hugs:. How are you?

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Ty so much…I just sometimes feel my meds take the drivers seat…I’m doing good mentally considering but no reason for my attitude at times


I also too much worry about my attittude on others in real life as well as on internet. But i think you didn’t do anything bad for people. Do not worry!


Yeah, I have some problems with paranoia…ty for your comment…Dang sz


Impulse control is something we all struggle with at times, no worries.



I say stupid stuff. I’ve never seen you with an attitude Freedom

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Ty for helping me feel better🤗

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Thanks! I’d have you over for breakfast but I’m on strike lol. I can’t believe he wanted me to cook at 1:30 am…

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Thank you all, but I must charge iPad. I’ve also got an appointment with psychologist today so I’ll be out and about. Hugs and have a wonderful all of you!

Hugs to you. I’m sorry you’re having trouble with your meds. And it’s true, we all struggle with things at times. I sometimes want to yell at people, too. I have to work hard to remember that it isn’t helpful, and I’m not always successful. We all know you’re a good person who cares about helping others.


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