I’m not completely sure what to do right now. I’ve been hallucinating majorly recently after most of my hallucinations being dormant. I’m experiences most of the positive and negative symptoms of Paranoid Schizophrenia. Any advice or help? I’m telling my therapist on Thursday.
You should see a psychiatrist. Therapists aren’t really equipped to deal with schiziphrenia.
thank you, it was helpful
Telling your therapist is a good first step. Are you experiencing any major life changes or extra stress lately? When I’m stressed, my symptoms get worse. You may or may not need a medication adjustment while you’re dealing with this.
About 6 months ago I had a traumatic run in with a pedophile, it’s been srtesssing me out but it doesn’t really feel like extra stress than normal, you know?
That sounds very horrible. I’m sorry. If this has been on your mind, it could be contributing to your extra symptoms. I’m glad you’re discussing this with you’re therapist. That should help. Do you take any medication?
I’m not on anything at the moment. It has been on my mind, too. I don’t get that if that’s the case then why haven’t my hallucinations been worse before this past month? I was under more stress during the pedophile experience than now.
Sometimes, your brain takes a while to process trauma. Initially, it is in survival mode and can’t afford to think about upsetting things. After a while, it starts to go over the traumatic event, and symptoms get worse.
Of course, it could also be totally unrelated. Do you have a history of hallucinating before now?
That makes sense too. I do have a history. I used to hallucinate cows in my windows and flying fish. I couldn’t tell what was real back then.
You’re doing the right thing by getting help. You can ask your therapist to refer you to a psychiatrist who can prescribe you medicine. Usually, you need meds to get over a psychotic episode.
Okay, thank you.
paranoid schizophrenia has no prominent negative symptoms.
Sorry, I got confused. I just meant I have had symptoms of Paranoid Schizophrenia.
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