I have wondered for a long time why I have difficulty saying certain things such as

I WILL lose this much weight.

I AM beautiful physically when I’m a healthy weight.

I WILL recover fully.

I WILL make close friends.

I WILL have a job that I like and that keeps, me on my feet.

I have wondered for like 2 years now why I don’t feel comfortable talking like that

I mean, is it not good to talk like that and feel like that? Positive visualisation?

I thought it should be but when I say things like that I feel so wrong in my state of confidence.

It baffles me.

Is it because I am affected by how others may perceive me as being arrogant.

Or something else.

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I have the same problems as you but for me its bcz of negative symptoms. I gave up on everything, I dont try anymore.

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I let my ego die a few years ago.

Now I’m a nihilist who loves to party!!!

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! :smiley: :balloon: :fireworks:


Yea I think maybe that’s why. Maybe it won’t actually happen for me. But I just like to have something to give me motivation anyways. That’s why. To propel me in a direction, I need goals.

I don’t get why I can’t speak like this though.

It is annoying

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I don’t get what you mean.

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I’m sorry you gave up that sounds difficult.

Maybe one day you can try again, idk.

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The problem is that everytime I think about these and doing something in my life I end up trying to stop my meds.

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What I mean is I no longer feel sorry for myself or think about what I’ve lost. I recognize that, at least in my eyes, I’m not really that important. So I don’t let myself focus on myself too long in any respect, whether it’s positive or negative. I’ve been through severe trauma but I never talk about it and it never bothers me.

If I still let it bother me I’d be crying every day. I got dealt a really bad hand. But who cares, I have rocky road ice cream in the freezer! Also I got good books, movies, and games to play. Also when I move back to VA I will be looking for a job.

Speaking of which I empathize with you on weight loss, it’s hard, but I think having an extra ten or fifteen pounds is pretty common due to the pandemic. I certainly have put on an extra few.

Also I think your mantra is a good one!

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Oh that sux sorry to hear :slightly_frowning_face:

You don’t want to take injection, then you won’t have a choice?

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Yea actually I am thinking about that but idk if there is 6mg risperdal injection, I think the max risperdal shot is 50mg? Also its hard for me to get out of the house and maybe then I wont even go take the shot.

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Yea I know it’s common. But I’ve been binging on food for a decade and now I hear blood in my head at night. It is something I take seriously.

Good luck with the job hunt that sounds really cool!!!

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Okay, something to discuss with your pdoc.

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It feels like saying positive things about the future may change the course of what could have been (positive)

It’s like I feel people who don’t want me to succeed or think I’m stupid, can maybe affect me somehow.

Or that people won’t take me seriously if I say all these things and then they don’t happen.

Or maybe pity me,.

I’m going to bed, this is getting too confusing for me.

Basically I just have to think about what I say, because of how I feel. Got it.

It might be just a bit of self-confidence that you need. Try just picking one thing you know you can succeed at, then break it down into little pieces and make a start.

I know that’s easier said than done, but it’s really all I can think of

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Thanks! Also I think you are pretty good looking based on the picture you posted a few days ago, so that’s something to be happy about!

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Thanks @Aziz, @agent101g and @Cragger!!
