I have to quit smoking on Monday

Food for the kids is far more important than cigarettes so I guess I have no choice. I hate being broke.


I am not sure what I’d do if I had dependents. I smoke a lot and I enjoy it.

Probably a good thing to quit if you need the money.

It’s very expensive in the UK. I buy rollies as they’re cheaper. A pack of 20 is about £11

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They are $14 Canadian for a 20 pack here. Crazy prices.

I only smoke proper cigarettes if I am on holiday.

In some EU countries a pack is about £3.50

Rollies are a cheaper way to smoke here. 50g of tobacco is about £18, and you can get it for £9 if you get people to buy it from duty free at the airports.

A pouch of tobacco lasts me 3/4 days where a pack of 20 I smoke in less than a day

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I am quitting too on tuesday…it’s gonna be a ride :frowning:


I hope this helps y’all.

You can do it.

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sweats and tremors…sha as if…

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i did smoke lucky strikes at 4.10 euros per 20 cigarettes.
now i vape

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Not nearly expensive enough when you factor in public health care costs, I’m certain. Should be $50/pack.

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Do you have a local food bank to shore up any costs? I’m not encouraging you to keep smoking but just an idea…you probably thought of that though.



I used to but if I don’t smoke anymore I’ll be able to buy more groceries.


After a few months of quitting smoking you’ll also start to feel amazing. Your sense of taste and smell come back. Your energy level goes up, your lung capacity really comes back. It’s awesome and something to look forward to.

Oh, and you’ll have more $$$.


Trust me, smokers hear this stuff all the time.

They have to want to quit themselves.

I kind of quit due to financial pressures. Like being homeless and trying to rescue food out of the garbage cans at the food fair at the mall without being caught by security. No ciggy budget, eh?

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I’m not gonna lie and say one of my reasons wasnt financial, but for me it was more learned toward the cravings.

I just got tired of craving it in the mornings, and the periods of depression that swept between each fix.

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