I have laughter problem

I make very bad jokes and I laugh at myself always I am not sure how to stop that and replace the laughter with some good thoughts and jokes… any ideas or suggestions?


something similar happens to me, in my case I start laughing for no reason inside the church during the preaching and it disappears suddenly, sometimes I pinch myself lightly or look away, maybe it helps

Bad jokes are what I doooooooo…

:musical_note: :musical_score: :man_dancing:



i also laugh to myself. i try not to get lost in my daydreams in public or i will laugh in public to myself and then people stare. :confused:
it reminds me of that joker movie where he can’t help laughing and it makes him feel bad.
it used to be far worse when i was off meds in my 20’s. thank goodness that is under control now. it made for humiliating experiences in my 20’s.

bizarre/unusual/inappropriate affect is a symptom of schizophrenia, i believe.


Telling bad jokes is an artform. lol. I do it all the time myself. I sometimes laugh at my own jokes as well. If it makes you feel good, I don’t see the problem.

If you’ve ever watched some comedians, many of them go for volume over quality. They barrage you with joke after joke until one of them hits your funny bone. An excellent example of this is the Naked gun series. One bad joke after the other until they hit on one that makes you laugh.

If you are laughing innappropriately, maybe that’s a separate issue. COuld be sz related there.

I see no problem with telling bad jokes, though. If you’re going to be amusing, sometimes you have to have some bombs in the process.

Bad jokes are a way of dealing with the bad stuff in your life. As long as you understand the difference and don’t become a bad person you are fine. I read somewhere that the path to enlightenment isn’t all happy feelings and nice experiences, if that were so everyone would be there.

Smiling or laughing inappropriately or unnecessarily. It is embarrassing.
Most of the time it is due to daydreaming. Makes me feel like a weirdo. Sometimes my mind decides to play some funny thing I watched or heard on loop and out of blue. Can’t help grinning by myself.

Yes, I have been psychologically cited for inappropriate laughter. It’s one of those signs they detect when dealing with something like Schizophrenia. It’s hard to explain but obvious when a pdoc sees signs like that, in person.

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Uncontrollable laughter is a symptom of mania also.


Yeah I will laugh at everything and act silly sometimes when I’m manic


Reminds me of this meme from recent meme thread. It do be like that.

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