Inappropriate Laughter

Do you ever realize you have been laughing at something with someone that was inappropriate to be laughed at? (Inappropriate laughter is supposed to be a symptom of SZ.)


Personally it doesn’t happen to me.But I would say I’m conscious of bizarre behaviour. I just mask it in someway, But I am lucky in that respect. I could say, try your best to live in the moment and keep your thoughts current and routed in reality, if you can.

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I don’t laugh out loud, but sometimes I’ll catch myself watching something very sad on tv, and I’ll be grinning from ear to ear, about to bust out laughing. What happens is that when I see something very serious on tv my mind shuts it out and goes somewhere else, usually to a funny place. There might be a story on the internet about some kind of massacre, and I’ll be off in la la land, trying not to laugh. I can see how that could be disturbing to someone who didn’t know what was going on with me.


I used to have that alot ( ALOT )

Used to have that happen when I would be laughing at things the voices were saying

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Yeah. I was laughing at a funeral once.


when i’m outside, i sometimes think good thoughts to alleviate stress. the thoughts make me want to laugh or smile.

Laughing has become one of my biggest problems. Every time I get a haircut I am about to burst out laughing. When I went to the dentist I almost spit the water at her because I was about to laugh. Same thing with eye doctor. Even when I go to restaurants I laugh sometimes while ordering. Giving eye contact makes me laugh. That is probably the biggest problem. I would have a tough time getting through a job interview. Although when I went up on dose I don’t laugh as much. Eye contact is still the problem.


I try not behave in a way that causes others to be uncomfortable, my mom was very serious when we were kids that if we ever embarrassed her outside the house, we’d pay for it when we got home.
Threat taken seriously even today.

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Yeaaah that’s sometimes a problem more so of smiling for me. It’s embarrassing and awkward esp if it’s really bad news like a death. It’s like a nervous smile. It’s weird

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