Does anyone have a problem controlling laughter?

i cant control my laughter and laugh at almost anything

I smile in inappropriate moments. Is that what you mean?

yeah. i tend to laugh in inappropriate moments

Yeah man I don’t know what it is… I have that too. It’s like I don’t want to, but the smile comes anyway, like someone is smiling for me. It’s really weird, I hate it.

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smiling, laughing, crying, anger. They all come at the wrong time for me.

i hate it too. im always laughing and smiling. and i know others think im weird or something.

Are you on meds? That uncontrolable laughter went away after my hospitalization, but I still smile when things happen, good or bad

I have a definite nervous laugh no matter if I am saying something good or bad. I noticed it recently and mentioned it to my therapist as though it were happening for the first time and he said “You’ve always done that.”

no i refuse to take meds. been on respirdal and invega and they make me feel terrible even when i was on meds the laughing never went away

Too bad you reacted badly to those two. There are more of them on the market you know? Sometimes it’s just hard to find one that fits well.

Wish you good luck, especially to deal with this without meds!

thanks man i appreciate it. good luck to you as well

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I haven’t laughed much for ages. When I have its tended to be nervous,inappropriate laughter.

I almost burst out laughing while getting a haircut the last two times. I am afraid to go to my psychiatrist because I might burst out laughing. I take my medicine too.

Yes it happens all the time with me I’ll laugh at almost anything. Sometimes I will laugh at dark things like someone getting killed and it doesn’t bother me, but I know that it bothers the people around me especially when I am laughing for a very long time.

I never had that problem, the only time I saw it happen was when I was in hospital and the other patients were doing it.

Try different meds if you’ve only tried two.

I want to smile at the wrong times as well. Never felt like laughing tho. I hold back the smile as much as i can. I am trying to hold it back right now actually. Maybe it’s how i deal with an uncomfortable situation. Trying to balance out my mind?

When I hear something that makes me lose my ■■■■, I laugh uncontrollably. It is a sight to see. The last thing that did it was a viral video called “peanut butter baby”. Within seconds of realizing what the video was about, I began an episode of maniacal laughter.

I think of bizarre and funny stuff and laugh to myself throughout the day. I just do it at home.

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Sometimes people with schizophrenia will have “inappropriate reactions” to events, for example, laughing at a funeral, or crying when someone greets them. That whole thought disorder thingy and whatnot.

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…no !?! :flushed:
take care :alien:


I laugh at terrible things. It’s otherwise not like me at all, but I’ll hear something terrible, see something on the news, or just as part of a movie and it strikes me as funny. And then other times people will be laughing at something they think is funny and I get really offended…

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