Can you control your laughter?

I can’t and sometimes I laugh for no reason or on sad things…Ppl think I am silly and crazy…


I was laughing at inappropriate things when I was coming off my meds

I am always like that, maybe worse without meds.

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When I laught I laught intensly for a long period of time, I can’t stop, sometimes its painful and I want to stop.

could it be PseudoBulbar Affect?

What is that? :thinking:

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I had a Traumatic brain injury once and another time I was strangled and lost consciousness.
Thanks, I will ask my psychiatrist about it.

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Schizophrenia can make you laugh at inappropriate times.
I did that a few times when I was on Abilify.

This is perfectly normal.


Yea I also read that it happens in simple sz especially in those with negative symptoms.
Mine isn’t as severe as PseudoBulbar Affect I think.

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I don’t think it’s Pseudo Bulbar

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Probably not if it’s not that severe. Just a suggestion.

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Ha, ha, ha., ha ha, ha,. Apparently not.

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I’m at about 95%. That’s an improvement.

No I cannot, sometimes I laugh at the Shriners children hospital commercials

When I was in the hospital I could hear screams of people suffering in hell ( I was hallucinating) and I was laughing then praying apologizing for laughing at the same time and I was laughing at a lot of other inappropriate things too

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Do you laugh because, to you, it is genuinely funny, even if other people don’t see it as funny? Or is it just an uncontrollable laughter?

I used to have problems with this but I think I’ve improved by thnkng of it in a certain way

Could it be nerves? A lot of people laugh at inappropriate times because of anxiety

Its uncontrollable.