I have jury duty next week

I gave them two letters, one from both of my psychiatrists to excuse me from jury duty and they still wouldn’t excuse me from jury duty! FML! :rage:


Sorry to hear that.

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It’s only one to four days but I could miss one or two mental health appointments.

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I don’t blame you for being a bit angry about it.

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Yeah my mental health appointments are very important to me.

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Why do they not excuse you? I thought getting excused from jury duty for schizophrenia was universal.


I don’t know. I filled out a questionnaire and told them I have schizoaffective disorder bipolar type but it said I can’t be excused for having a disability.

I never heard of that.

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If you show up they might send you home.


That’s what I’m hoping!

This doesn’t sound right, and even sounds unconstitutional.

I told my local court once that I have sz and they’ve never bothered me since.


I’m going to try to tell the judge my diagnosis and that I’ve been involuntarily committed to a psychiatric hospital because a woman on my mental health team told me judges don’t want people who have been committed to serve as jurors.


Sounds like a good idea. I’m just curious, do you live in an urban area like a city? Or a more smaller town?

Because I think bigger cities would probably be more equipped to handle this the right way. At least I know mine is.


I live in a small city.

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@anon47703785 are you from the States?
Never heard of this

Psychotic patients are barred from serving as jurors


Yes I live in Minnesota.

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Honestly you most likely didn’t explain your situation to them so well.

Something doesn’t seem right

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That’s super lame. I got it, wrote that I had psychosis and would find it stressful/difficult and they excused me immediately.
Im in the UK.

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schizophrenics can’t be jurors…try again…this is not acceptable. if you are on the jury and the lawyers find out they will throw the case out because you were a juror.


A woman from my mental health team wrote a letter that had my diagnosis and that jury duty stresses me out but they still made me be a juror.