I have a crush on a family friend

Finding it hard to date

As they keep popping up in my mind.

What to do?

The family friend and me would not work out


Why can it not be so?


What makes you so sure of that?


I would say get chatty and invite them out for a coffee.

Dont go in with the mindset that you want a relationship with them. Treat them in your head as a mate first - or you just put pressure on yourself.


Is the family friend married?

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No he’s not married nor does he have a gf :flushed:


Then what is preventing you from having a relationship with him?

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Idk it is like a gut feeling. He’s a bit shy. I’m very shy.

We just don’t match.


I don’t know lol just feels like I’m afraid of him.

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Shyness is preventing both of you from forming a relationship. Seems like you need an ice breaker or something.


Shy beats very shy.
Just win him over with your shyness lol.
Play your cards right and he might awaken the tiger within raaawr.
I bet he secretly has wild desires too, especially if single.


Hahaha. You’re funny.

Idk about the rawwr. Thing.

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I don’t agree with this logic. If you start talking to him more often you will both open up over time. It’ll just take some effort on your end to get you guys talking


Thanks. I feel funny on a full stomach. And boy did I eat a lot these past few days.
So, approach the situation light heartedly. Play it to your strengths. I can’t give more specific details since I don’t know you well enough.

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Thanks Zannah, maybe

Just I worry about relapsing.

Cos I’m so shy

Worry about my nervousness and worrying leading to a relapse

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Thanks Andrey I appreciate it.

Hey Seth thanks.

I will just look at him as a friend

Then I won’t be all over the place as much

Ta! Hehe


I have that worry constantly when around gals I like. Because I take myself too seriously and I long for a serious bond. But I think I’m in the wrong. I should behave more naturally and not always expect a fairy tale to unfold.


That’s true, we never know what will happen.

Just need to try and be ourselves so that they see us for who we are

Building connection on fake persona isn’t gonna lead to anything

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The sister of my cousin’s husband invited me to have a coffee at her place. I found it weird. I declined and we never really spoke again. She used to call me when she needed help with her credit card, computer, applying for university etc Sometimes she came to my house so I can help her. Sometimes we went with our parents visiting neighboring cities. My mother said she’s older than me by 4-5 yrs and to ignore her. My mother told me she is single, has always been and that she is constantly trying to hook up with guys lol
Maybe she just wants to be friends.