I have a crush for someone

I told her that I have a crush for her, but she did not answer me yet. I’m in a mindset of passion, thinking about her all the time. I don’t know if she feels the same for me. I think the best way to deal with a crush is to focus on your objectives.


I hate crushes. The last crush I had was for a married woman. It took a few months for it to fade away. I was glad when it did obviously.

Best of luck!


Thank you :slight_smile:! Crushes are good when they are reciprocal.

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I used to have a big crush on my last psychiatrist.
Man was she Sizzzling… :smile:

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She just want to be my friend. It’s okay for me.

I think having a crush different than just want to ■■■■ someone. Having a crush is kind more romantic.

When I was a kid I got the worst crushes on girls. I’d get a crush on a girl, and I would think about her every waking minute. I remember that one time I went swimming, and after I was done I was surprised to realize that I hadn’t thought about this girl for thirty minutes. I often got the girl I had a crush on, but then I would sabotage the relationship. I could only go steady with girls I was more or less indifferent to. These crushes weren’t fun. They were to intense. They hurt.

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did you dance like this in front of her :smile: I can not get over this dancing!!

I have a romantic crush on some guy since 2014 =( He’s an idiot.
Anyway, maybe you can ask her out - for coffee. Not sure how you told her ?

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