Oh crap not again

I have a crush on someone. I usually become near psychotic when that happens. At start it feels good but then my mind starts to spin off. I know, I’m married with kids. I’m not going to act on my feelings. It’s just a crush.

How can I stop my mind from spinning away in pink heaven and stop my dopamine rush?


I had the opposite problem: I had a crush on someone who was married with kids, and I was single. It felt horrible.

All you can do is wait for it to pass. And it’ll definitely pass. It’ll just be unpleasant while you’re waiting.


Just appreciate the fantasy fodder. Work it like a Schizoid and just absorb the person into your mind and have a hot, romantic adventure in your head, but never speak to them again in real life.

i didn’t know u got a crush on me you cutie


aw, that’s a bummer.

I can’t remember the last time I had a crush. I don’t look or communicate with people much, when I go outside.

I second that!


bro you should go to a club and get mortal and have a good time try pick up girls fvck it you’ll have the time of your life I go on my own sometimes


If the girl doesn’t want you, there’s no way, man. Choose the girl who chooses you.

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Ok. So I wait for it to pass, if it does not I’ll keep him in my head as a nice figure? Haha. :smile:

Problem is I see him every day at work. He is also married with kids. So it’s a huge no-no. I’m not 100% sure, but he started it. I got looks from him, he tries to get eye-contact all the time. And that just made my head spin away.

How long will it take to pass? Last time this happened it took a year for me to think straight again. I got psychotic twice. It is painful. I don’t like it.

I think This is how my sz started… A damn crush. I was completely engrossed in this fantasy affair. A few months later, the first sign of stress and boom sz. I hope I never have a crush again… But it would be lovely if someone would have a crush on me.

I also prefer mature woman who has kids…!!!


The grass usually isn’t greener on the other side. Sometimes its charred and burnt and dead once you get there. But sometimes its a lush oasis of beautiful green grasses, greener than you could of imagined.

Just always think if its worth giving up everything you have and hold dear. If your unhappy where you are then maybe its worth looking at, but if your happy and content and just infatuated then best to just keep it in the imagination. Generally reality doesnt quite live up to the hype in our heads. Simple flirting doesnt hurt anyone, just dont let things get out of hand! The snowball effect comes quick.

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How long will it take to pass?

Mine took a couple of months. Hopefully your crush will pass a bit sooner.

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I know the grass is green where you water it. My lawn is green-ish. But I won’t put everything I have on a gamble. It takes time for two people to bond and to develop together. We have been a couple for 18 years, through better and worse. That is nothing I’d want to throw away like trash.

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@comatose, whenever I have a dangerous crush with an individual, I just stay away from that individual because I’m a single dude who’s got to be careful…

I don’t want to be accused with crimes and whatnot, which I believe people like me are usually targeted for…

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