Self loathing when fond of someone

When ever I get feelings for someone I am full of self loathing and not feeling good enough.
ATM Im not even in a relationship just fond of someone and I really struggle interacting with them now I have feelings for them because I just feel unworthy of them :frowning:
Not the first time this has happened at all.


I get that, or have had that. Probably gonna be the same next time as well


I just wish I knew how to make it stop. It sabotages my relationships. I think about her all the time and then when Im actually able to communicate I cant stop feeling like Im messing up, saying the wrong thing and not good enough.


Hm. That’s hard. Does it get better for you with getting to know her a bit more?

I had it very much too. Less so now - I just don’t let anyone come closer romantically, I’m not sure if that solved it in the correct direction. :face_with_diagonal_mouth: I had it with friendships too. And a bit with my new job now.

Hope you can deal with it good enough to come closer to her. I think almost everyone is a bit insecure when they fancy someone, but if it is too much, it gets in the way of relationships indeed.

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Everybody has their own hurdles.
I for one, think I am over one, but I don’t know how that did happen. Maybe the hurdle will resurface in a new form.
I believe you when you say you are self loathing, you certainly are.

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I feel confident when I don’t actually have an attachment, and then once I know them better and know I like them and do have an attachment it ■■■■■ me over.

I talked to a psychologist once when I was much younger who said I am trying to perfect my interactions and I end up spending energy thinking of how I want to interact rather than just interacting. Their advice was to stop over thinking and live in the moment.

It is definitely too much lol. Its just a shame :frowning:
Its strange. I felt very content before I felt like I had a crush on this girl. And now I feel terrible for what I don’t have and probably wont have. It doesn’t make sense.
One would think having a crush makes me feel good?


You’re not alone in this…
I get it too.

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Face it, we aren’t good enough for other people. We are all flawed. The important part is finding someone who loves you for who you are and lifts you up and never puts you down. Then you know that person is a keeper. :blush:


You did not write one thing of her, you only write about yourself.

What are you talking about? Why do you think I need to talk about her? The issue isn’t to do with her, its to do with how I view my self internally when I have feelings for someone.

Thankfully I slept a really long time last night and today I haven’t had these feelings of self loathing again :slight_smile: . I’m sure they could come back again but maybe I was just overly tired.

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Why do you get aggressive? I know what I am talking about.

I dont know what you were talking about at all.

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