I had a little bit of paranoia today

Im on latuda though, I really hope this medication works but the paranoia just now should that be a warning that the medicine might now work?

the good thing is you are recognising the paranoia…it is just that, paranoia.
when i started to recognise my illness/ behaviour i started to heal.
you are safe. :heart:
take care :alien:


Im coming off another med onto latuda I forgot to mention that

I hope you feel less paranoid soon.


I hear you. I’m not on the meds for anxiety but it can just grow on you with thought broadcasting & stigma thrown at you bad. Tried to move to another apartment and neighbor was a freak & psycho…I had to abandon ship. Very interesting town, theirs have some kinda threatening stuff to say plus 20s something kids trying to force out people who moved there & signed lease. Looks like previous resident probably got screwed too. The anxiety stuff is just kinda like waves and the tide…Had to return to family’s home but at least I don’t have someone standing on the landing outside apartment, I really think the guy was looking at my place when I was in the shower & chose to lock doors with removable lock & his stereo was ALL THE WAY UP A LOT for most of time I was there. Cops were off…Trash came back from garbage as I cleaned up after moving in…With the insomnia, not a good neighbor and landlord knew it.

I’m gonna have to pay on this lease for a while, it has no buy out. Next time, I’m gonna rent a detached place…

I’ve looked at a couple mistake places to try to live, even running out the men. I don’t think it’s easy to move alone any longer unless you know a local.