I found a job for £28k but it's a night job

Good luck :+1:

And don’t give up on the therapy

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That was my experience, also. I liked the hours, but hated the isolating effect on my social life. I also liked that the commute was easier, since it wasn’t rush hour.


Ohhh OK. Yea Idk if I can do it. Idk if I have enough confidence for it. Socialising with the elderly for hours, some potentially with dementia but there’s no other way for me to know unless I try.

Hoping my circadian rhtyms adapt to my messy sleep patterns lol.

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Thanks Free lunch. Yea it’s well good I can do dat job if I get it, and still do therapy this year that’s unexpected

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Agreeed. Traffic is the worst especially wen u don’t have unlimited data. Can take up a lot of time.

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I wabt to do nights butnot sure

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@anon15119022 I’ve done nights before. Personally I can only do one year max at a time, after that it starts to wear u out cos ur body is so confused.


Oh fair enough.

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Update, I was rejected for the 28k job lol

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You will find something @Zoe

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Thanks Milly. Gotta keep on going.

I still kind of want a night job, it means I can do therapy.

But idk man

It’s so hard to find a job

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Tell me about I only got one interview after applying for 30 jobs.

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It’s exhausting right.

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Very and I sometimes get so unmotivated. It never used to be like this.

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Maybe you’re applying for the wrong type of jobs. I’ve had over thirty different jobs over the course of 44 years of being employed. The most places I ever applied to before I got an interview was 7 or 8 and usually it was between 4-6. And once I get an interview I usually get the job. Not all the time, but usually


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