Good luck
And don’t give up on the therapy
Good luck
And don’t give up on the therapy
That was my experience, also. I liked the hours, but hated the isolating effect on my social life. I also liked that the commute was easier, since it wasn’t rush hour.
Ohhh OK. Yea Idk if I can do it. Idk if I have enough confidence for it. Socialising with the elderly for hours, some potentially with dementia but there’s no other way for me to know unless I try.
Hoping my circadian rhtyms adapt to my messy sleep patterns lol.
Thanks Free lunch. Yea it’s well good I can do dat job if I get it, and still do therapy this year that’s unexpected
Agreeed. Traffic is the worst especially wen u don’t have unlimited data. Can take up a lot of time.
I wabt to do nights butnot sure
@anon15119022 I’ve done nights before. Personally I can only do one year max at a time, after that it starts to wear u out cos ur body is so confused.
Oh fair enough.
Update, I was rejected for the 28k job lol
You will find something @Zoe
Thanks Milly. Gotta keep on going.
I still kind of want a night job, it means I can do therapy.
But idk man
It’s so hard to find a job
Tell me about I only got one interview after applying for 30 jobs.
It’s exhausting right.
Very and I sometimes get so unmotivated. It never used to be like this.
Maybe you’re applying for the wrong type of jobs. I’ve had over thirty different jobs over the course of 44 years of being employed. The most places I ever applied to before I got an interview was 7 or 8 and usually it was between 4-6. And once I get an interview I usually get the job. Not all the time, but usually
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