I have decided to go back to work now. I have been looking. There are some night cleaning jobs available. I want to do it part time. I was wondering if anyone on here works nights. I am on an injection invega sustenna 50mg. I have some trouble with staying asleep through out the night. I dont know if I will be able to sleep during the day.
No way in hell I would work nights. Sleep is too important. I work days though.
Good luck.
I would not do nights that is too messy for my sleeping n eating pattern.
But if u feel u may be able to cope
Then best of wishes giving it a shot
I worked evenings, up to midnight 2-3am and it was awful. I was taking a medicine that I needed at least 8 hours of sleep to take and I would have to get up and take the kids to school so half the time I would just skip my meds. I wound up burning out really bad. But if you don’t have kids and you for sure can take your meds and you will be able to take naps when needed, you can make it work.
@TomCat, @anon90843118, @Leaf Thank you for your replies. The more I think of it, the more I feel like its going to affect my health because its hard for me to sleep during the day. I can’t even nap sometimes during the day. So I am just going to keep looking until something thats evening or daytime comes up. I’ll make a topic when I find something. I am afraid of going back into the work world but I need to so I’ll be able to keep my car on the road and save extra money. I think it will help my depression too, and give me purpose.
Meds are horrible make you need alot of sleep when i was working 8 hours i was hardly cope with that
work didnt need too much effort otherwise i would be in trouble
When work needed some more effort i was about to quit the job
I carried my cellphone when i am in trouble i call my mom and talk to her and she support me alot
It was tiring techniques i used to work for about 1.5 year
And it is good achievement untill i changed the job to better job
@saynow thats good you managed to work 1.5years. Are you working at the moment. I really want to get back to work.
Yes i am working as hospital pharmacist
Wow thats amazing. Great job!! I pray for the strength and motivation to keep a job.
May I ask you what antipsychotic you are on?
3 types
Depot injection clopixol depot every month
Haloperidol 5 mg tablet
Quetiapine 100 tablet
Both every day before sleep
And with biperden , tegretol as prophylactic for seizures and extrapyramidal symptoms
@saynow wow! You inspire me! Well if you can work on all those meds then I should be able to do it on one injection. Thank you for your reply!
Try part time if you insist on full time have your cell phone with you and your support person with you whether it is your mother father or sister
Ask for excuse and call him and tell him what you face on job as challenge
Get back to job and finish the day
Days after days then you will get used to job
Be spirtual and contact god love him as a first support person on all aspects of life
Thank you! I am going to bookmark and write down what you said! Especially the part about God! Thank you again.
You are welcome
I used to do late-evening shifts from 4pm until 1am and when i got home usually was 2am and went to sleep around 3-4am and waking up at 1-2pm is quite bad, but bearable when you get used to it. If you lucky who lives in calm neighbourhood that is quiet in the mornings and afternoons is a huge plus, make sure to have completely dark room during days, as the sunlight will keep you waking up in the morning. Big pluses working at night: is quiet and walking back home is therapeutic as feeling free from crowds, less people to deal with and higher rate of pay
You know we are all in hell when people are working day and night.
I worked graveyard shift at Target for 8 months; 10:00 pm to 6:00 am. It took a while to adjust and figure out if I was going to go to sleep right when I got home or stay up and go to sleep from about 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm. I chose going to sleep at 12:00 pm so I would have the morning to run errands and take care of business.
But it took quite an adjustment to these hours and I never really got comfortable doing it especially because I was living with seven other roommates who kept different hours and made noise throughout the day or knocked on my door for something occasionally.
I always thought working graveyard would be cool but it was actually a pain in the ass. WTH anyways, I ended up getting fired for not showing up three days in a row and not calling.
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