I’ve got no argument with what I’m doing, but it’s the same thing day after day that is starting to bother me. I think I’m up against an identity crisis. I’m suddenly realizing that being German and having a German name was very unpopular and makes me shy and hesitant to reach out to this day.
Past conversation with my daughter who was running in place on a tile floor in her socks:
“You’ll have your entire adult life to do that, kiddo.”
i think its good to shut down your mind and just do something you like . forget thinking too much about oneself, start living
no need to be angry on life. it doesnt help you
Have you thought about taking up a new hobby?
I might join another forum.
@PinCushion you are who you are and its a bit late to change your name now me thinks Try doing something different today like going for a short walk to release your frustrations. Do something for you and talk to a friend
What kind of forum do you want to join? Do you have any fun hobbies?
I want to eat my words. I was being very unappreciative. I really have it good, now, and there is no reason to complain. Just being a Scrooge on Thanksgiving. My apologies.
Most people I ever knew, were proud to be German. But I understand why you say that.
I need to take up reading, again.
Pretzel. Es ist eine Ehre Dutch zu sein. Translated pretzel it is an hourner to be German…
I wish Roosevelt had thought the same.
Forget the past Germany is a free and democratic nation today.
I should remind you I’m a German American. My father was a German immigrant who lived in the US during WW2. He was not treated well. I was born in 1944. The war made the family very nervous is all I remember.
My brain feels like it’s on a treadmill running
I’m the melting pot of Denmark. Some German - French-Swedish and Danish ancestry.
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