I feel disrespected

25 plus years ago, the Mom of a schizophrenic on schizophrenia.com advised I get a complete hormone profile. I went to the family doctor, and he refused. He said he would test my Testosterone, and that was Okay at that time.

He died of cancer, eventually.

I just asked his associate (so many years later) for a prolactin level test, and he wrote a request for the lab to do a Thyroid test. I don’t feel safe or listened to. I feel jerked around.



Sorry @Jayster I know it can be cumbersome to deal with things like that

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I would let it go. It was a long time ago.

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The major tranquillizers I am on can cause a high level of prolactin.

Today I went to the doc’s office. I wanted to be tested for prolactin. He ordered a test a don’t want instead. I feel like I don’t count.

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I used to worry about prolactin but I was always told the benefit of taking the medicine outweighed the risks

I understand how frustrated you are as I was as well

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Yeah, I really feel your frustration.

I think that when Drs know our diagnosis, then they don’t take us seriously. Any concern or symptom we might have gets written off as somatic delusions or hallucinations or paranoia.


Say a thyroid test isn’t what you asked for. You want a prolactin test.

If they say why, tell them your antipsychotic can raise prolactin.


I wrote to the Mom I was in touch with on Schizophrenia.com greater than 25 years ago.

In part, she said as follows: There is a positive correlation between low thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels and elevated serum prolactin levels. Maybe he is just taking the less expensive route?



I’ve no idea. I asked my doctor to test my prolactin and he did just that!

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I went to the lab today. They said the Thyroid test was red flagged as possibly not paid for by my insurance given the diagnosis the doctor gave.

They did draw blood for testosterone and prolactin, however!

This quest is working out for me!


My doc ordered a TSH test when I was having hormone issues, too. I don’t remember the exact explanation, but I believe it was similar to what you said. It was another way of testing the same thing.