I feel better when I don't eat

I’ve really been struggling with my appetite. I just don’t want to eat. I usually can’t think of anything that sounds good. I’ve been trying to force myself to eat more regularly so I would have more energy but I really don’t think it’s making that much of a difference. It’s 2 pm and I haven’t eaten yet and I feel better. I am making dinner for the guys tonight so I’ll eat a little then but until then I’m doing fine without.


You’ve got to eat @Leaf or you can get sick.


i don’t eat a lot, but I don’t worry about it. I’m just not that hungry. I feel fine.

I only eat twice a day because I have too. I am on Lurasidone twice daily and it requires that you take it with at least 350 calories worth of food.

My breakfast is just cereal, maybe 200 calories so I don’t even hit that target.

I always skip lunch, just not hungry during the day.

Then I have dinner, maybe a meat pie or frozen lasagne or whatever, around 400-500 calories.

During the day I drink coffee and tea.

I’ve had this diet for a couple years and I have been fine. I’ve been losing weight but that is a good thing because I am still slightly above my BMI weight.


I’ll give you appetite mine is too much. I feel dizzy and get low blood glucose symptoms if I don’t eat too much.


Most days I eat very little. My appetite is usually poor although I do get those occasional days where I eat way too much. Then I feel so gross.


I’ve been like that for years now. I might have a banana in the morning, and a bite to eat at supper time but that’s about it. The odd time I do pig out but it’s few and far between now


are you thin? 1515

Hell no LOL. I’m about 30 lb overweight. I’m not sure how that works, I don’t eat much and I exercise everyday. Go figure


I didn’t know that.

What exercises do you do?

I go to the gym 5-6 days a week. But it’s cardio only. I hate free weights. Idk why.


I used to love pumping weights as a teenager, but not So Much Anymore. My body is too banged up.

I work all the major muscle groups, squats, push ups, flexing and using each muscle group. Then I do about 10 minutes of chi gong. I also go for a nice walk every night. It’s not enough to lose weight, but it’s a good maintenance routine

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My appetite is lower right now also. I ate more when I was on olanzapine.

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I’m only eating after 4PM at the moment. My doctor actually recommended it (I’m very over weight). As long as you are eating enough calories, fasting is fine. Many argue it has health benefits. Increased energy, better blood sugar levels, more thinking about what nutrients you are eating etc.


Are you doing one meal a day @StarCrazy ?

No 2 meals and a snack too (:

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I do too.

I feel depressed after I eat.


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