I feel another depressive episode coming on

Fantastic. This is just what I need right now. I’d been getting suicidal thoughts the past couple days and didn’t understand why because the most stressful parts of the trip were over, and now I’m home and the pain is hitting me in waves. But I should’ve seen this coming because a lot of times during periods of great stress I go into survival mode to get through it and then have a huge crash after. Unfortunately I think that is happening to me now. I will keep dutifully taking my meds but I need to find a new doctor fast.

The nothing following a something can be the worst part.

I don’t know for you but when my brain is busy a lot, my mood is good, than if suddenly my brain is not busy anymore, I feel empty.

I haven’t had a major depressive episode in a year due to me being on Zoloft. I practically forgot I had major depression. Maybe Wellbutrin isn’t doing the trick quite as well…ahh I don’t know what to do about that because seratonin messes with my bladder, but if it’s my seratonin that needs fixing…oh boy :roll_eyes:

There’s a pdoc right in my town now so I may contact him to set up an appt.

Concentrate on the positives: you just got your degree and moved back with your family! Maybe it will help?


I know it doesn’t make sense, but it’s just the fallout from all the stress. I think it throws off my brain chemistry. Unfortunately I can’t find any doctor/therapist with any kind of mentioned experience or expertise with psychosis near me, and I’m even having trouble finding professionals with good reviews in general near me. Aghhh

I think you are right though and I need to find myself activity quickly to distract from this. Hopefully I will find a job soon. I am nervous for my interview tomorrow!

Good luck with your interview!

I have that happen to me too. Doing anything is stressful and there’s a big backlash. I’m not depressed though just anxiety.