I'm trying to get through this

I can’t even put into words mentally where I’m at. I’m just not doing well. Depression has seeped into my bones. The delusions and paranoia are at the surface, screaming at me.

Ive been staying at familys the past 3 days since i doubt i should be home alone right now. In case it gets too dark inside.

I dont know if its due to quitting effexor and geodon(with psych approval and urging). Or if im just breaking down again.

I have therapy tomorrow, thankfully. And i took my prn tonight. Trying to stay afloat until my psych appointment next tuesday.

Just needed to verbal vomit a bit. Im just trying my best and its like im going backwards.


Stay strong :muscle: 151515


Good you’ve people around you. Effexor is known for a pretty big withdrawal especially if you were on a high dose. I miss a dose of it and I know about it. Hang in there and keep your treatment team involved.


I quit it about 3 weeks ago and ive just had this shift since then. I might see if my pdoc has an earlier opening.


Book earlier appointment if feel like you need it, I currently filling out an application online for health insurance, if I get rejected I won’t be able afford see Pdoc for quite sometime. :skull:

I feel you there. Getting off meds seem to be harsh.
Stay stronh.

Did you taper the Geodon and effexor?

:sob: i feel you, its very very difficult when you realize.

Yes there is no words to express these feeling.

All i can say is you are strong you got this !

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Yes i did taper off for a few months.

Had some friend time tonight and that lifted my spirits a bit. :slight_smile:


Glad you had some friend time.

I’m sorry you are having a rough time! I hope you start feeling better. Maybe you need to speak with or see your dr soon. @Niko_Alyxandir

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Coming off a med, particularly an antipsychotic can be an arduous experience. Keep your therapist fully informed. Talk to a pdoc about it, if one is available. Just remember, things can get better. It doesn’t always have to be this way.

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Thank you!! And I see my pdoc in a week. So I’m hoping she has some answers for me.

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