I failed tonight and

Ate too many calories. I had a tuna sandwich but was only supposed to have 1 piece of bread, but had 2. Plus, I also ate IndoMie noodles on top of that which is over 300 calories. I’m over my calories by more than 400 :frowning:


I didnt eat too many calories, but I ate too much bread. Blood sugar is a bit higher than I would like, but oh well.

We will try again tomorrow.


My plan exactly!


Hopefully this does not offend you, because it’s not meant to…

Of your two current goals, i would take an extra 400 calories over losing my sobriety. You’ve got a metric ton going on right now. 400 calories is nothing to worry about. Get back in gear tomorrow but don’t let it keep you awake tonight. I know you’re having enough trouble with that already. It’s okay.


Hey you’re doing great…don’t be hard on yourself. Start again tomorrow.


Keep it up. It gets easier with time.


Maybe you could do a little walking or some other exercise to burn off the calories. Don’t get discouraged.
It’s not that bad.

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Just forget about it and move on to next day!

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Are you a friend of Bill W.? I like the twelve steps but I don’t like meetings after having gone to around 2,000 over 35 years. The literature contains a lot of what you hear in the discussions. I believe in total abstinence but my sobriety date is confusing because I spent a few years having one beer a month which must sound like I don’t have a problem but the truth is I don’t like the effects of alcohol. I’d say pot is my drug of choice. I fear the day it’s made legal in my state, I may need the support of the rooms again.

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Thanks @anon39736208 @LunaNoir . I just don’t like it when I don’t meet my goals. For some reason the process of things doesn’t always make me feel good. But I’ll try to have a better attitude.

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@crimby thats not s bad idea. I didn’t do it yesterday, but I am going to workout today. I’ll try to do a title extra the next few times I go. Not enough to get hurt, or to not be able to exercise, but a little extra. Hopefully that helps


Don’t be too hard on yourself. Just keep up the good effort. You are doing an amazing job.

Because I know it’s not easy myself, I think it’s the full effort that counts.

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Yeah. But that’s why I’m mad at myself for cheating. But today is a new day. I’ll try again

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Oh OK. Yea it’s another day. Don’t worry too much, I think maybe mistakes are part of the process. But yea I’m rooting for you.


Thanks @Zoe

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I couldn’t say it any better than @Zoe . I’m rooting for you too!


Thanks @Leaf . That means a lot to me


you are doing great !! one piece of bread over…no big deal…just try today!

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One piece of bread plus IndoMie noodles which are over 300 calories. I just have to get back on track. I’ve been craving food lately and I’m a bit nervous and concerned. I’m not going to quit trying though

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Invega made me get food cravings. Maybe you’re just still adjusting to that? I know you’ve been on the injection before, but maybe the pills will affect you differently. I know you just went up to 9 mg too.

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