I embarrassed myself

My new friend said I was gonna offer to come to eat your groceries but no go if I have to clean. LOL

After I got my groceries I texted him Was he just kidding or did he need some food?

He said Lord I was just playing with you.

It’s just I really have known people in the past that didn’t have food to eat. I just wanted to be sure he wasn’t seriously hungry.


I think you’re fine. The fact that he’s “playing with you” is a good sign. He feels comfortable enough with you to do that.

I would say the “LOL” part is supposed to indicate that they are kidding but my sister does this all the time.
I will get a text from her that says, “just got lunch lol”. I’m just looking at my phone. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

People are weird.


That was kind thinking, @anon54988740 . There are people who don’t have enough to eat. In the US we have a very good program called, “Food Stamps,” (actually now called “SNAP Program”). It’s for the poor.


Thanks @Here4You @EverDream. I’m in Arkansas. My income is way to high for snap.

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