All allowed covid double payments of food stamps have been all used…won’t be help until the next if any stimulus check gets passed…sad.
That’s why we used the extra to stock up on meat and some pantry stuff. We never knew when the extra would end. Try feeding 7 on 300$ a month.
If you stop consuming weed you’ll have more than enough for groceries every month.
@Wave I haven’t had any all month dude…and thanks for the heads up…I guess you don’t like me very much and now I know.
Thank god for being British.
I just applied for food stamps, I don’t expect to get more than maybe $20 but hey it’s milk and eggs and bread so I went for it.
That’s tough @anon4362788. I try to spend $40/week on food for 3 family members and $70 when my 20 year old stays with us. Her food costs a lot. But I told her if she was going to keep living with us she needed to pitch in money for food. She opted to live with her dad. That’s fine. He can afford her food. So I capped her food at $30 per week for when she’s here.
■■■■ weed. I’d smoke it if I could but it’s not legal here. So I stick with alcohol.
I’m sorry @jukebox
Just wanted to help.
I like you, didn’t mean to upset you.
you were being smug…go ahead and think that way about me…when my family doesn’t have anything to eat I don’t smoke pot…pot is a luxury…food is not…you were out of line. @Wave
I wasn’t being smug.
You have posted about consuming lots of weed in the past.
Pot is expensive.
Food is a necessity.
@jukebox I think you are being a bit unfair to @Wave. You posted just last month that you were short on groceries because you bought too much weed. It wasn’t smug or distasteful of him to suggest cutting back, based on the information he had. It’s great that you haven’t had pot this month. Excellent progress.
yeah I’m sorry @Wave I am grouchy today I guess under stress…yes, @Ninjastar but that was before the new need for medicine that costs $210 extra on me a month…thank you…I wish I was proud of it…kind of makes me ashamed so I got defensive.
Alls good buddy.
It’s possible that another stimulus could pass but things are not looking very hopeful at the moment.
Are food pantries an option where you live? At least for the basics like milk, bread, eggs, cereal, and flour.
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