I hope it wasn't

some weeks ago, I had went to Keyfood. I bought lot of canned meat, about 21 cans for a week’s worth, because there was a sale!

but anyways, when I went to the cashier person, the person asked, “are you going to pay with food stamp card?”

well I was, but why would that person assume that? and why ask about that in public so that other people could hear? never had a cashier person asked if I was going to use food stamp. I just silently flash the card, and they know what’s up.

I hope it wasn’t because of my color… : /

Weird…do you live in a part of town where many people may be on food stamps? Like a lower income area? If so they may just have been asking out of habit. If not then that is bizarre lol

So many people are on food stamps these days that I think a lot of the stigma is gone. Sometimes some ■■■■■■■ will hit you with a bad attitude just because he is a prick and has to spit in people’s eyes.


yeah, that’s true.

Nh… you are over analyzing… even if it were true, what would it matter to you?

did you get the meat on sale - yeah~!

I got fired a month ago and I just went crazy for the whole month.

  • My manager think I am stupid
  • I am talking to myself and they can see it
  • I am talking too much at work
  • I am too loud and obnoxious
  • I am inappropriate

and it goes on and on…

Then I thought - why does it matter? I don’t even need that stupid job!

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well, one day they are embarrassing me with food stamps. the next day, I’m on a tree.

could be my sz mixed with my study of AA history in college though…

but yeah, I’m quite happy that I got the canned meat on sale.

all I have to say is: you go girl

i don’t understand this expression

but hell we are all a little fragile - so just be happy - that’s all that matters and don’t give a ■■■■ about what other people think, no one is superior

I should use my own advise too - but it’s good to be aware