I don't wanna die

They keep saying I’m gonna.

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The voices are wrong - talk to your doctor about getting your medications adjusted so the voices become weaker.


The fact that your voices continue to be wrong tells you how weak, and ineffectual they are. You are in control. You call the shots. They can’t make you do anything YOU don’t want to do. Agree with @SzAdmin about med adjustment, but please keep in mind that your voices would have hurt you by now if they had any power. Every time they are wrong they give their power to you. Take it from them.

Best wishes.



You will survive
I used to think same
It has taken time but I feel that I’m getting better compared to say a year ago



Believe me, I’ve been in your situation with this affliction and it DOES get better. Not all at once…but in small increments sometimes. So hopefully you will take some solace in this advice.

Wanting to harm yourself in my opinion, is a full-time solution to a part-time problem. Just keep reminding yourself that you’re just too damned special to all of those around you who love you and you’ll pull out of this funk. I did, and I know you can too. I believe in you!!



My pdoc would get very upset with them and say they are liars.
And they are wrong are because here I am. :smiley:

Then I would get mad at them too and refuse to cooperate which makes them powerless.

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I’ve never heard voices myself but I know that they lie to other people. We don’t want you to die either.

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Voices say all kinds of crap. All the threats my voices made were empty and never happend. I just ignore the bad ones now.

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you are not going anywhere…your voices are full of it.
happens to me…too.
take a deep breath… :heart:
know someone cares
take care :alien:

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