I feel scared tonight

Earlier my voice told me I was going to “die in fire.” It also called me a “perv” and other mean things. I keep asking my pdoc to change my meds, but none of them ever want to. This is kind of frustrating for me.

I am taking my meds everday.

Thank you for reading, Blessings :v:

  • C
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Tell your voice it takes one to know one :smiling_imp:

I find you have to be really aggressive when advocating for medicine for yourself. I have had to push when medications were not working for me. I hope you find a good solution soon!


Thank you @Anna :slight_smile: I’ll have to bring this up with my pdoc when I see him.

I don’t have voices that say that, but i get that feeling. it hurts much.

that’s good. i hope things get better though.

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Thank you @sirBoring

Take care :v:

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Be assertive in asking your pdoc to change your med’s, not aggressive. Let your pdoc know that you are suffering on your current med’s, and if it is at all possible you would much rather not suffer. Your medication regimen is the centerpiece of your treatment. The med’s are what you need to get well. If your med’s aren’t right, it’s going to be very hard for you as a person to be all right.


I like that. Thank you for clarifying how these things work.

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you are welcome

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