I don't feel fit for dating

I’ve recently been using match.com a little (haven’t made a profile), as I’ve realized I don’t think I’m fit for dating. Poor cognition, unable to hold a conversation, no job, lack of sex drive due to meds, and oh yea – schizophrenia. I’ve kinda been wanting a girlfriend but I just think there’s no way for this to happen. Not right now at least


You can do it @anon49063606. It will all work out.

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I have no friends, I’m 26 and live with my parents, and no income. No girl in her right mind would date a guy like that. Just being realistic


My dating profile would be: No school No job No money :smile: I’ve seen this graffiti text in my neighborhood a few years ago and I laughed :slight_smile:


@anon51414962 what happened to the girl u were talking about…!!!


Zeke, better now than later. Are you on some form of cash benefits? I’m 36 and women my age tend to be more established (With kids, jobs, etc.) Just give it a try and let the other party worry about themselves. They’ll decide if you’re worth it. 26 isn’t that old.

I can’t decide if I should be upfront about my MI or not. Seems like it would be a dealbreaker for a lot of normal women

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I wouldn’t be up front about it unless it’s obvious. Let them decide if they like you first, and then reveal in small bite sized tidbits your problems. Don’t tell them on the first date. Women like it when you ask about them and focus on them.


I’m just not sure if I wanna go through with it right now. I know it’s better to do it now rather than later, but maybe there’s a chance i get well and more established. I haven’t had a girlfriend in six years, really haven’t talked to any women seriously in that time span. Not sure…

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I haven’t talked to her yet. I have plenty of time

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Dating is an interesting paradox for me. I know that with most women questions like “Where do you work?”, “What car do you drive?”. “Where do you live?”, “What do you do with your time?” and simple things that are normal social queries are mine-fields that usually lead to certain rejection. But i know other women are similarly messed up and am aware that even prisoners get married. I can presume that women want certain things and know that I lack them but I don’t know what they Really want. So even though such a relationship would be desperate at best and having children are something that many women want that I’m afraid of having I can’t completely rule out the possibility it will never happen I guess. On the other hand I find company to be wearing on me after a while and appreciate the amenities of being alone after they leave. As I’ve said before at other times too much loneliness gets to me too.


I have a lot of the same feelings about it

Definitely not.
Woman in a similar situation to yours can say whatever they want and still get a man, we don’t have this privilege. Don’t get an illusion of equality in this topic.
I hope this video will give you a better perspective on the matter
(The lecturer is a Psychology Professor in the University of Toronto):


Me either. I’m poor and overweight. I also smoke.

what might be the toughest part is finding a woman who is understanding of MI, especially those around my age (26). Most normal women want to get on with their lives – get a degree, have kids, marry, buy a house, etc. It seems, and I may be wrong, but there are few women who would want to work with a guy who has sz, and will be patient enough to withstand all the hardships that come along with the illness

I think Aspergers is worse than SZA in terms of dating. But having both is a deal breaker for most women. If I have money and good looks, I can find a woman who accepts me for my SZA–I’m pretty confident.

yea i agree. Having Aspergers would be rough

No school No job No money No muscles No beauty No skills No brain No ambitions No emotions No words No life… only one thing… Mental illness. :slight_smile:


Here is one option: you could find a good person who is in a similar situation as you. That’s what a few of my friends have done. You could be friends. And I think that has a lot of meaning.


that sounds like a good idea, I just don’t know where to find any potential partners with MI. I suppose a support group, but those aren’t really for finding romantic relationships