I called a helpline,
Maybe the med reduction isn’t working out ?
What’s going on?
things are getting to me right now,
idk if its the med reduction but i feel a bit more depressed
Did the helpline help you feel any better?
I think so, i havent had any support really bc i was discharged from services so its been building up, there is lots of things that could be doing it but its good to know i can still get support from the helpline.
Yeah. I’m glad you used it. Can you get some more support again? Is that possible?
yes, its a free phone helpline and i can phone about anything i like, she said even just checking in about how my day has gone, but i wont use it for that, ii’ll just be phoning up when i really need it.
What a great service! I’m happy for you that you can rely on it
I texted Crisis before here in the states. They were really caring and understanding.
What symptoms do you have?
Panic/anxiety attacks, paranoia, feeling of fear.
is a bit better today, but depression mostly,
What symptoms of depression. I feel low on energy.
I’m so sorry you weren’t feeling well. I’m glad you reached out for support. Sending you positive ((vibes))
yeah low on energy and mood, i felt things were getting too much, little things were upsetting me, not wanting to eat
Right I eat to much. Been getting anxious to the point of paranoia. My meds got decreased two months ago. Dose going back up this Monday when I get injection.
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