Need someone to talk to

I’m not suicidal but I don’t mind dying. I feel so alone and so depressed. I want to call the crisis line to speak to someone but i’m afraid they will send the police.


I’m here, buddy. Do you meditate? That often helps me and is proven to be an effective technique for now and in the future.

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Feel free to message me.

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I use to meditate but it just annoyed my voices

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Have you tried being mindful of the voices? Maybe try that for like 15 seconds and if the voices get worse, then stop.

What do you mean?

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Like when a voice or hallucination comes up, just “watch” the voice or hallucination. No judgment, no labeling, just acceptance and awareness of what it is in the moment.

And if anything else comes up (thoughts, feelings, sounds, smells, tastes) then you can be mindful of those, too.

Yeah I kinda of do that. Right now it’s just depression

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Yeah depression sucks. I’ve been there. I’ve been so depressed that I couldn’t even motivate myself to try to meditate. I just laid there on the couch. Sometimes there’s nothing you can do. If you can, try to write down a list of things that make you feel better than choose one and do it.

If you want to call the crisis line and talk to a person, you could just lie a little. In some situations, it’s ok to lie.

Maybe listen to some music?

That’s what I’m doing

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Yoga? A walk? Danceable music? A bath? A shower? Have you taken your meds if you’re supposed to be taking any?

If it helps I think you’re way cooler than me (I’ve seen your posts on here before). And I like your username.

Do you have a family member or friend you could call?

Hey @Longhorn21 know where you are coming from, depressed, want to talk to someone. The crisis lines here are just triage - they ask you questions about your risk and if they think your at risk they call the police and if they think your not at risk they just get off the phone to you.

It’s good that you reach out to chat here. I hope you feel better soon. Depression sucks. I hate it more than my psychosis. It passes though and it will get better.

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Hope you get to feeling better soon :yellow_heart:

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Yeah right now I’m listening to music in my car with a descent view

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Smoking cigarettes of course wishing I had a bottle of whiskey

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