I am currently researching about every human's inherent worth

We all have inherent worth just by virtue of being human.

It is independent of achievements, external validation, appearance,

Do you agree that we all have equal inherent worth?


All life is precious

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Let me know what ides you find.

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Well yeah we start off with a certain “virtue” capital. After that, it can go up or down depending on our actions. Just like stock prices :grin:

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I think a mass murderer has the same inherent value as me. The murdering is wrong tho.

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Yea…it’s weird how we assign value to people. I’ve struggled with this and realized there is always some subject angle when thinking about value.

It’s stupid but I’ve come to the conclusion that all value follows actual benefit for the person/group judging. Because of this… value will always be subjective to some degree.

Some people say ideas like value don’t exist in nature but in the minds of humans. Maybe it’s just another mechanism for use to get about needs meet :person_shrugging:t5:

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I’m looking up Value theme myself cos I sometimes feel low self esteem but recognising my inherent value is one step to improving it.

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The only worth we have is being life on this planet.

It’s debatable if that even matters.

I believe we have no inherent worth.

Very, very little at best.

We aren’t even a flash in the pan to this universe.

Or even to Earth.

That said,

It’s your journey.

Likely the only one you’ll get.

Live like you’re a queen.

In some ways we’re worth nothing, in some ways, we are the most important because we are all we can experience.


Lol… I don’t wanna sit on a throne all day :pray:

But yea I wouldn’t mind being admired… For who I am, that is.

I think most living, thinking beings have inherent worth. People, dogs, cats , animals. We are the only things that can experience existence.

Yes, the universe is vast and we are small, but a rock doesnt experience anything, has no thoughts or emotions. Space doesnt have an opinion. The sun doesn’t smile or laugh, despite what you may see on your raisin bran box or latest episode of teletubbies :smile:.

Of course, I wouldnt place much worth on Hitler or people like that in history, but those are the exceptions.


Personally when I look at people I think of their Daos, as in the aspects of reality they have picked up, made their own and embodied through everything from the way they think, to how they perceive, feel, talk, move, judge so on and so forth.

It is inspiring for me to see others, each one of us can only be one and if it weren’t for others how easy it would be for me to forget about all that which I do not embody right this moment, but which I in fact value and may even very well be an important aspect of myself at other times, and things are difficult enough on that front as is.

To me everyone carries that value, everyone is a unique combination worth drawing some insights and inspiration from at the very least.

I don’t assign rankings in value among people, people can have roles and relations with me, a history perhaps, and their Daos may help remind me of different things, inspire me or even challenge me in different ways. All that affects how I am moved to act towards them and their placement in my life will be like that of pillars in a house, the pillars are equivalent in value but the house can survive some being taken down and not others, that speaks more about the house than the value of the pillars though and somebody else may even build another house with the same pillars and have different ones who can’t be endangered without putting the whole house in jeopardy.

I feel you… I didn’t mean value doesn’t exist just that people will see it differently. I feel like my life has worth because I want to live it . It might be worthless to everybody else lol …

I think that green sweater has more inherent value than all of use :smile:

I feel we start out with equal worth, but it is our responsibility to add to it, and we can also subtract from it through our actions or inaction.


A few weeks ago I watched a documentary on bbc2 called ‘Ukraine: Enemy in the woods’ and it really unsettled me.

It showed real life fighting and actual drones dropping bombs on Russian soldiers and killing them in real time.

It was shocking and realising how cheap life is was upsetting.

These Russian conscripts snuffed out and Ukrainian soldiers too in the blink of an eye.

It was harrowing for me!

These humans indoctrinated all their lives to fight for their country for the whims of a dictator was such a waste.

Humans are cheap fodder for the universe, as seen all over the globe.

When I look at myself, it matters not whether I live or die to the universe.

I am nothing. Inherent human worth is a lie we tell ourselves to cope with all the bad in the world.

Sorry, but it is true.

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I think the mere fact that it was harrowing for you shows that deep down you do believe people have inherent worth.

Just because some of those in power do not value peoples lives does not mean they have no worth.

But, its a bit a matter of persective. I believe that because advanced life is so rare in the universe it has extra value. And as I pointed out in my first response, human and animal life are able to experience things where the vast majority of matter in the universe has no opinion and couldnt care less one way or another.

You say its a lie to cope, but if you truly believed people are nothing and its all a lie, you would not be having such an emotional reaction to the events you describe.

But thats just my opinion.


Everyone has worth, but not everyone respects it.


The fact that i find it harrowing is the trick my mind plays on me.

To me, that is the human condition, but in reality I am nothing and could be gone in the blink of an eye, as indeed were those soldiers.

If human life was so precious then there wouldn’t be any of these wars.

The universe cares not either way.

Can you tell that I am not overly optimistic? :smiley:

It is also human to not realize the value of something until it is too late.

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all we are is dust in the wind…our spirits live on I believe so I am happy with that kind of worth.

I’m not sure what you mean by “inherent worth” when talking about living sentient beings.

Regardless, the.only thing you have direct control over is how you feel about yourself. Ultimately, others’ opinions of you won’t really change the way you feel about yourself – that’s something you need to work on yourself, perhaps with the help of a therapist.

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