Huperzine a

Did you ever use huperzine a? Does it exacerbate schizophrenia ?

I used it. It made me worse.

Tried it. Cant say it helped. @Aziz had some benefits from it.

What feeling did you have with these?

Can it provoke a relapse?

Check out this thread

@Aziz which kind of improvement did you see with huperzine a?

Worse would it mean that the cognition was worse according to your post you mentionned? Not a relapse?

I Only took one pill and it took me 4-5 days to feel better again. Personally I wouldn’t recommend it.

Did your cognition go bad? Is it for that you didn’t recommend

I took just one pill today and I feel better .

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@everhopeful IS it for cognition that you wouldn’t recommend it because it took 4-5 days to return back ?

Yes, that’s correct.

Thanks you @everhopeful

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@everhopeful which medicines do you regulary take? Why do you mention that 5 mg of aripiprazole is not a therapeutic dose ?

I just take 15mg Abilify.

Because some doctors seem to think 5mg is the minimum dose for schizophrenia. And 10mg is.

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@everhopeful I agree with you. 5 mg is essentially for MDD.

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I think doctors that are flexible in that regard aim for optimal functioning according to the patient.
Like if you need 30mg for your symptoms then thats what you need. If 5mg covers it enough then thats fine too.

My pdoc mentioned not all patients function on the same doses or the same meds. Its all really a guess and test because everyones biological make up is different. But the blind studies on average produced this as a general baseline dose.


I would like to know if huperzine a can precipitate a psychotic episode 'cause I know a person who was treated by alpha gpc and make a psychotic episode .I’m not sure if that .