How would you explain Psychosis to someone?

Just interested to hear your views describing how it feels?



Pyschosis is like living in hell. :exploding_head:


yea man it is hell isnt it.

That lost state of mind is hectic.

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It’s like being in a dream state while you are awake


Hello @Leaf

Ive missed you.

How ya been lately?

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I usually say that I see and hear things

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Yea i got you, but thats not really in actual psychosis is it?

Like if someone hears and sees things even on meds, but isnt in that terror state of a lost mind.

Its almost like your post the other day " when is crisis "

For me its when i lose touch with reality.

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I’m struggling. People are trying to kill me with their complete lack of understanding of how little ■■■■ I can take. I want to run away from home. How are you? It seems you’re frisky lately. I like it.

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Oh no thats terrible leaf.

I hope u feel better soon. :slight_smile:

Im fine hey.

Thats terrible you feeling that way !!!

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Yes, of course. That’s the definition. Break from reality


I describe it as having a dream but being unable to be aware you’re in a dream, so you can’t escape it (or in my case, you are aware and can’t escape it anyway).


Thats interesting that you are aware you are in it. Im completely lost during psychosis. Im completely broken away from reality !!


It’s a special layer of hell to be aware while psychotic. I’m perfectly aware my beliefs are completely out there but I can’t make myself not believe them anyway because “What if I’m right?”


Can you still function with everday things for example while you in psychosis?

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When I get really bad breaks, worse one recently was on meds in December, it lasted for a couple hours. I couldn’t answer a question or talk straight, couldn’t place a face to names of my family, couldn’t read, I wasn’t in conscienceness. Wasn’t hearing voices too bad, was paranoid I was going to be committed right before the holidays. I begged for my treatment team not to. Thankfully I wasn’t.


Semi-function. I take exams while actively hearing auditories. I am still doing well in classes but I chalk it up to natural affinity in the academic sphere.


I would describe it as being in an upside-down world, with heavily dark and religious overtones. The latter cancel out the excitement of thinking that magic is real.


I try not to explain it I don’t want to scare people

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id say its like a bad dream, paranoid and all that

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