I don’t no if he is like that with everyone. He came to me today asked if I had a lot of work if not we could work together so he can teach me other stuff. The manager has not asked him to do that. Maybe he wants something to put on his resume to show he can teach or he’s just like that with everyone I don’t no. But I kinda am starting to like him even though I wouldn’t do anything about it.
No I’m not saying that I’m saying the manager has not asked him to teach me but he always offers. I mean his job isn’t even much to do with mine.
Haha it’s ok. I wouldn’t allow it to develop anyway. He’s two years younger
I think that the first sign of someone being very interested in you is - if he shows interest in things you like or do.
Of course he could be just a kind person, but knowing that it is about you @Daisy79 I think that he’s been attracted by a greater power
Haha I don’t know about that. But he went to my manager and started praising how quickly I learn when really I’m struggling it’s just embarrassing. Lol
Well seems like you don’t have to do anything but be yourself! :))
I care about the job but how long will I be there it’s only a contract. I just think he’s a nice person he seems to be a good friend coworker. But if it develops into something more who knows. I wouldn’t say no to a date. But I’m thinking how the family would react. He’s not Indian.
To the OP what you want to look for is some sniffling and eye contact.
What? … Hmmm
I don’t know what to think about someone at a job who would go against directly what the manager says.
Didn’t go against her she just didn’t ask him anyway I’m probably totally wrong here my minds playing tricks on me
Well you see …when a person likes another their body temperature rises.
Sometimes to the point that every orafice in that individuals body just MELTS.
And you can see it on a daily basis if you just SEE it
If a guy likes you @anon80629714 watch his eyes
a. His pupils would dilate for absolutely sure. Also see if he blinks a lot and/or looks at you for that extra second than a normal period.
b. Also look at his body movements. Does he shake a lot while talking and/or is pretty constant and firm?..that would give you the clue…Anything unusual or apart from the ordinary is a sign that he is into you.
c. If He starts talking about you and/or asking about yourself, your likes/dislikes, and interests…that is a sure shot sign, you can never miss that !!
I am saying all this cause Im a guy
Do take care @anon80629714
I guess I overthinked this he’s nice to everyone.
If you like him go for it. I would be careful about my job though. Some places don’t like on the job romances.
It’s just as well, office romances can spell trouble.
Hi @anon80629714
if you really want people to like you, you have to CHANGE yourself. It is the hardest thing to do but it is the ONLY thing which will make what you want.
try fliting with him. doesn’t have to be anything over the top, have something in mind you would like to say to him to gauge his interest in you.